21. Finally Asked It

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(Back to present day)
Jenny's pov:

The whole morning flew by. We were reminiscing about the prom night while I was laying on her, listening to her heartbeat. 

had homecook for lunch. Now we're just chilling in my room, cuddling. After a while something came in mind. I said "Shay, let's do some work in advance." 

"Whyy?" One of those rare moments when she whines and I don't. I usually complete work ahead so that the chill sessions come later. I kind of pushed Shay to her room to get her laptop, so that we can work on our joint project in my room. leaving her a bit confused about why I want to finish it so early. I smirking the whole way because she doesn't know why I'm doing this, I'll tell her after I'm done.

*Few hours later*

Shay's already done, waiting for me to finish up. I gave a final bug fix check, submitted it on the office portal, then left the computer. Shay is half sitting on my bed, I almost jumped on her then hugged her waist, laying my head on her thigh.

She squished my cheek, made a little smooch sound and said "little baby" in a low affectionate voice. I could be spoiled by her like this for an eternity. We just stayed like this for a few minutes as she kept stroking my hair gently, then she asked "Baby why did you finish it beforehand? Office did say it's okay to start tomorrow."

I got up, grinned at her then started to pull her hand. "Come here" I said, took her to the balcony. I feel a bit nervous about this. She is confused, "What is it?" she asked with a confused smile. "Um.." I'm trying to get it together, took a long breath and exhaled slowly. "Ok" I muttered, here we go...

Shaylin's pov:

"Shay.." She said "will you.." I can see Jen having a bit difficulty, she is really nervous, but doesn't look like in a bad way. "Will you um..." She is still struggling, and finally asked "(cough) go out on a date with me?"!

"Ah" I gaped open my mouth in surprise. Did she just ask me out? I'm taking some time to process it. She really did! Weirdly enough, before anything else, I'm just proud of her, she's finally ready for a date, my Jenny, wow!

And then I'm also feeling a jittery sensation in my stomach, a happiness of being asked out by her. It's... special! But my silence probably confused her, "or not.. if that.. wasn't.." she started stuttering, I interrupted her by grabbing her face, smiling and saying in a soft voice "Of course I will". Then I gently kissed her. How can I ever say no that? We shared a nervous laughter.

"Wait" I just realized, then asked "is this why you made us finish tomorrow's work in advance?" She nods cheerfully, it's just too sweet! We exchanged a soulful look then hugged, my hands around her neck, hers around my waist, as usual.

"Eeeeeee..." She is screeching in happiness, literally jumping while hugging. I laughing at her, my god this little baby! I love her so damn much it's unreal!

Jenny's pov:

(The Next Day)

I woke up to an empty bed, Shay is probably making breakfast, how does she always wake up before me I'll never know. First thing popped in my mind is that we still some office stuff to take care of. I made us already do a chunk of it yesterday so that today is less hectic.

I freshened up quickly, don't wanna miss our morning shenanigan sessions in the kitchen.

After breakfast she wanted to hangout but I'm pushing her to finish the work so that we can be after lunch. "Ugh you nerd" She sounds annoyed. But I'm adamant, I want this date in the evening to go just right.

We worked until lunch and finished up. "So what's for lunch?" Shay asked. I think she wanted to cook but I got other plans. "Finny's" I answered immediately.

Shaylin: "Really? Oh well, saves us the cooking."

Me: "Yeah, also now the work is done, we got the full day free, kinda wanted to hang out at the pier after the lunch."

Shaylin: "Ooh, sounds nice! Alright then, let's get ready."

I nodded then came in my room to change. She only knows that it's a dinner date but doesn't know what I'm doing. I'm just hoping it will surprise her. I'm smiling nervously, can't wait until dinner.

Alright, the plan to arrange a great date has officially started!

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