46. It's Fun to be Busy

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Shaylin's pov:

(Next Day)

"How long will it take to finish it?" I asked Jen as we're holding hands, walking towards Bakefit. 

Jenny: "4months I guess, give or take a week."

Me: "Is that enough?"

Jenny: "Mm, I hope so, I'm already calculating how to budget time between office and this work..."

I looked at her thinking face in admiration, she's already making a schedule! Jenny just cut a deal with Brandon about a website for his business. I asked pursing my lips "And what about my time?" She didn't look at me, put her index finger up and joked "Sh sh, I'm calculating that too.." 

"Oh yeah?" I yelled, "you need to calculate time for me huh, you little..." we started giggling and annoying each other. Loving our walk, this part of the city is quite nice.
"I'm so sorryyy" Annie sounds genuinely sad, we're in Bakefit where she works. I was hoping to find their red velvet cake which has a chocolate frosting, my ABSOLUTE favorite! But they ran out of it and I was... disappointed. 

Oh well, we still ordered two pastries and since it's our visit there, Annie treated us with vanilla balls, on the house! She even joined us for the sweet snack.

Annie: "I'm SSSOO sorry, I promise we'll bring it back next week.."

Me: "Oh god (laughing) it's okaayy..."

We noticed the busy environment, Jenny asked "What's the rush?"

Annie: "(tiredly shaking head) Suddenly had this HUGE order for a dj party and we're shorthanded, so everyone's working around the clock."

Jenny: "Wow, can't you hire a temp?"

Annie: "Wish we had the time sis, gotta cater in 3days!"

Wow, no wonder they're cutting out the specials in the store and running only the regular items. But she's happy about this order, might give them a kickstart to expand their business further. 

We stayed there chatting with her for a while then headed out.
"TINSLEY!!??" We turned to see who called. A short haired girl is walking towards us.. wait, I think I know her. "You're Jennifer and Shaylin right?" She asked, stood in front of us. That's why she looked familiar, it's Maggie, The Mad Mag, we were dancing to her songs yesterday!

"Oh my god Maggie?!" I exclaimed, Jen also gaped in shock. "HIII.." She screamed and hugged us both. We exchanged casual pleasantries, with Maggie, it's never formal.

"You know.." She looked at us suspiciously and asked "You two were tight back in the days but I'm getting a different energy now... what is it?"

Jenny and I pursed out lips at each other, then she grabbed my waist and said mischievously "Well.. she's mine now" then winked at her.

That shocked her, "OH!!" she's genuinely surprised then shouted excitedly "HELL YEAH.." and hugged us both again, making us laugh. Her hyper energetic personality still hasn't changed at all! 

Maggie: "Ya'll live here?"

Me: "Oh no, we live together in the North Street, here to visit my cousin's office and Bakefit, you know that cake shop..."    

She interrupted me mid sentence, "Damn right I know them, fuckin love their pastries dude.." she said excitedly, "I placed a giant order there, got a dj party coming up at my apartment.." I shared a look with Jenny, realizing why Annie was so busy. 

"So?" I asked "The Mad Mag huh?" then winked. "Oh boy.." She exclaimed with a faint blush, "Ya'll hear my music?" then chuckled...

We stayed there talking to her for a while, reminiscing some of the old days. She invited us to her party but we got work so I don't think neither of us can join. In the end, we exchanged numbers and said goodbye. It was really good to meet someone from when we were students.

Jenny's pov:

We're sitting on the rocks at the pier, it's windy and getting colder as winter is coming! "You know.." I spoke up "Maggie was the only person who knew about my crush on you back in the high school..."

"What!!?" Shay's shocked, "how??" she asked, smiling in disbelief.

I scoffed, then reminisced that day-


"Yo Jenny, wat's up.." Maggie's voice kind of startled me. I was walking to class with a stupid smile on my face because I'm about to meet Shaylin. Didn't notice that she was sitting on the wall behind the school building. 

Me: "Oh um.. hey Maggie.." 

Even though she's popular as The Mad Mag, she's pretty friendly with everyone. "Yo can I ask something? What's with you and the Sunway chick?" That caught me off guard! 

Me: "(stuttering) What do you.. um.. we're just friends.. " 

Maggie: "Yea no shit, ya'll are besties I know that, but like, what else?"

Me: "N..nothing else, I.. I don't feel anything else.."

She smirked mischievously saying "I didn't say you do" then winked at me. Oh god, my stupid ass gave it away. She jumped off the wall, wrapped her arm around my shoulder and laughed saying "Don't worry Tinsley, I ain't telling anyone, besides, I'm into girls so I could tell the day I saw you two, the way you look at her and all..." then giggled. "But girl.." She said "she's straight, so be careful with a heartbreak.."

That was awfully straightforward. I didn't say anything, didn't confirm her suspicion but Maggie got it anyway. I guess the friendly person she is, she just wanted to warn me. 

"JENN.." Shay called me from near the entrance, "COMING" I yelled back, Maggie waved at her too, then said "There she is" 

Yeah, there she is...

*Flashbacks end*

"Wow" Shay exclaimed, "I didn't know that". I nodded facing down. She hugged me, kissed my cheek and said "Well, I'm glad you didn't have any heartbreak.."

I rolled my eyes and asked "Oh yeah, none?". She guilty chuckled saying "My bad", realizing that she had couple of relationships before me. Then said "Well.. I'm not letting any pain near your heart anymore..."

Her voice got me looking at her in dreamy eyes. We kissed, enjoying our love in this beautiful evening. Despite, a busy rest of day awaiting us at home, nothing beats being with her!

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