Box of Memories

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Scarlett Johnson

"Hey, have you seen this, I think that guy goes to our school?"

I asked Noah as he entered my room, it was getting late and everyone was in bed.

I had been sitting on my bed with the old photo album on my lap, I handed it over to Noah once he took a seat beside me.

    "Oh Blake, ya you could say that."

He told me with a laugh as he stared down at the picture of Blake, I turned to face him and crossed my legs, I rested my face in my hands.

   "What do you mean?"

I asked him, Noah laughed some more and pecked my nose lightly.

He gently closed the book and set it beside him on the bed.

   "He's my cousin."

I pulled back a little surprised.

   "Wait he's your what?"

I asked really confused, Noah chuckled and placed his hands on top of mine in my lap.

    "Ya Blake's one of my cousins on my Mom's side."

He told me, I then put the pieces together, Blake had a lot of similarities to Noah.

     "Did you know he was moving out here? And does he have a British accent?"

I asked him, Noah shook his head and laughed.

   "Actually no, I didn't until I ran into him after school a few weeks back. And yes he does have an accent."

He told me with a chuckle, I smiled hearing his heavenly laugh.

    "Ya he moved out her with his Mom and they actually don't live too far from us."

He added, I nodded, things seemed to just keep flying out of nowhere all the time.


I heard Noah ask, I snapped out of my trance, and my eyes focused back on Noah, his nose was literally inches away from mine.


I asked shyly, he grinned and began to lean in.

   "I love you..."

He whispered once his lips were centimeters away from mine, next thing I knew he was kissing me softly for a few short moments.

    "I love you too..."

I whispered back, he pulled away and grinned.

"Oh ya! I need to give you your Christmas present."

He whispered, my eyes widened.

"Noah, Christmas is tomorrow!"

I giggled as he walked out of my room with a huge grin on his face.

He came back moments later with a medium sized box in his hand, he took a seat beside me again and placed the box on my lap.

"Open it!"

He said happily, I smiled and slowly pulled the lid off the red and green wrapped box.

I peered inside to see tons of pictures, I realized that they were all of the pictures of Noah and I that had been on my phone, resting on top was a white note on lined paper.

I slowly pulled it out and unfolded it gently.

"Scarlett, no amount of words will ever describe how much I love you.

I have enjoyed every second of being with you, and I'm glad we fought through all of our trials.

I'm so happy to call you my first love, I will love you forever and always.

I printed all these from yours and my phone, I hope to make many more memories like these, nobody can take them from us.

They are ours forever, I love you my beautiful girl, and Merry Christmas.

-Love your Noah

After reading the note I quickly set the box down and embraced Noah in a long hug, I buried my face into his neck and kissed the skin there lightly.

"I love you so much."

I whispered before I pulled back, I kissed his lips longly, smiling throughout.

"Merry Christmas..."

He whispered, I smiled and brought him in for another hug.

"Merry Christmas..."

I whispered back.

"And don't think this means your getting your gift early."

I told him quietly, he laughed loudly.

"You are my gift."

He whispered before gently kissing me again, everything perfect that night in my dim bedroom, snowflakes lightly blowing in the breeze outside.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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