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" Hmm," I hummed. A sketchbook in my hands as my fingers held the pencil lazily dragging it over the paper. A proud smirk pulled onto my face when my eyes stared at the drawing.

It's been a couple of years, seven to be exact. The only folks I saw since then were Silco and Sevika, who trained me most of the time and brought food with her.

I never went out of this room, the whole day I'd train, and if I wouldn't then I'd be drawing or throwing knives and shit.

" You ready to train, kid?" A familiar voice reached my ear. Sevika was here.

I ignored her presence and focused on my drawing. The picture of a sunrise that I always dreamed to see after Silco locked me in this room. I'd usually just imagine the warm sun rays touching my skin, as the light brightens onto my closed eyelids.

Sevika closes the door behind her, locking it. Huh, as if a lock could stop me from going out but that's why there are guards behind my door.

I scoff as her hand grabs my shoulder yanking me back, making me face her, " It's time to train" she grits her teeth.

"I'm not deaf, I heard you" I spit out shoving her hand away from my shoulder. She ignores my attitude pulling away and throwing the bag that was thrown over her shoulder just a few seconds ago on the floor beside my bed.

I glance at it, " what's in there?" I tilted my head slightly as the curiousness grew inside of me.

"Silco got you a few new items" she pointed her hand twirling it lazily to the bag on the floor.
My eyebrows rose, silently questioning if I can look inside the bag.

She nods, " Yeah, go on, just be quick, we will train more than usual today" she effortlessly plopped on a chair, taking out a cigar and lighting it up with a lighter.

I impatiently grabbed the bag from the floor leaning over and getting back on the bed.

Plopping the bag in front of me and opening it aggressively, I pulled out one iron blade. Woah...
This one was different than the ones I have.

I twirled the iron blade in front of my eyes, a smile tugged on my lips from amazement, " this one is fucking awesome-" I shifted my eyes to Sevika who nodded in response," - did you pick it?" I questioned continuing to look through the bag.

When she stayed silent for some seconds my eyes glanced back at her again," well? Did you?" One of my eyebrows rose.

" Yeah yeah," she said quickly rolling her eyes.

"Hmm, you're lying" the awe was wiped off my face as I realized that she was lying, now my face only had a stone-cold expression.

Sevika frowned, " why bother?".

I rose to my feet, striding to her I twirl my new iron blade in my hand," I don't know, you tell me" I calmly said getting closer to her face, I was sure she could feel my breath on her face.

She narrowed her eyes, " leave. it" she spat out before shoving me back harshly. I stumbled trying to regain my balance, I growled.

" let's start training, kid, I have work to do today" Sevika walked past me, bumping into my shoulder. She's the only one I saw in these seven years, well apart from silco, I knew her well, since I'm good at seeing through people.

An idea passed my mind, this is it, maybe I could convince her. I hurriedly ran to the training room where Sevika was preparing her robot arm or whatever that thing is called.

She shifted her gaze from her arm to my face, frowning and looking at me like I was crazy, maybe because I was smiling like a freak from ear to ear," what?".

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