12. confession ⚠

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⚠⚠⚠ SMUT

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"Ched, do you know what is the name of a witch that lies on the beach?", I sipped my drink not taking my eyes off of the bartender behind the counter, his head shook as he cleaned the empty cups of some dudes that left a few minutes ago.

" a sand witch" I burst out laughing at my own joke, almost falling off the backless chair. My laugh echoed through the half-empty bar making people turn their heads in my direction. Ched just chuckled lightly probably at my horrible attempt to joke.

After laughing I calmed down trying to get my breath back, plopping my arm on the counter and placing my head on it," Ched, am I your friend?", I forced out a question, I felt like I was alone like everyone hated me. When I asked Sevika if she wanted to get a drink with me she laughed loudly into my face and with the 'you're too young to drink, kid' left me in my room.

I didn't bother to ask Jinx, all she did this week was prepare for the shipment of shimmer, apparently were going to Piltover tomorrow in an airship, which she's kinda excited about since she wanted to fly in one of those things since she was younger.

"Ugh- I guess", Ched spoke with a shrug, placing one cup back under the counter and taking another one. I didn't understand if he was afraid of me or just nervous to answer.

I hummed, tracing my finger on the counter in circles," then you wouldn't mind helping me to inject the shimmer in me?", my voice was trembling a bit, the doctor gave me some shimmer since now I'll have to inject it once a week, and now the time has come, but one little problem, Im scared to inject it. I know it will hurt as fucking hell and I have to do it because this whole week I couldn't sleep or close my eyes even, I was scared to be back in the dark water. The lack of shimmer made me tired also.

Ched frowned," ugh-I- no? nope sorry,", he awkwardly replied. Disappointment reached my face, at this point I could just go die.

"What a good friend, Chad", my eyes rolled back. I could ask Silco, but the last time I spoke with him was the day after shimmer was injected, and Im not yet ready to speak with him. I could just ask Sevika, right? No, she would tell me to grow up and do it myself.

" his name is Chuck", Jinx came out of nowhere, hopping on the counter right next to my face. I brought my pink eyes up to her face, she was grinning, probably because she heard of what we were talking about.

"Go away Jinx", I was mad at her for not giving me the attention I wanted, especially this week, when I was suffering from flashbacks of drowning and shimmer injected in me.

Two lines showed up on her forehead, frowning hard," I can help you to inject the shimmer", she chose to ignore my order. Jinxs eyes fell on my cup and she grabbed it swinging it up and gulping half of the liquid inside. Wrinkling her face she coughed at the burning feeling in her throat.

"No thank you," I refused," you would probably kill me with that needle", I lied, I didn't think that she would mess this up, it's just that Im mad.

"What?! Noooo I wouldn't!", her eyes widened and she placed the cup back in front of me harshly and it spilled a little, clearly irritation pricked at her.

For a moment I stayed silent debating if I should let her do it or not, I felt like she would be perfect to do it since I feel so comfortable with her and I do trust her, but Im so mad at her for not being with me.

" fin-", before I could finish the sentence she pulled out the shimmer injection thingy and injected me with it. I didn't even have time to register what was happening and then I felt pain, burning pain flowing through my veins, from my neck to my brain.

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