23. The voices in my head

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I tried to swallow up the flames.

And I suffocated.

Y/Ns pov.

"Wake up", a woman's voice whispered from a distance, the voice was familiar, but I couldn't make out who she was. Everything was blurry, my eyes burned from the smoke around me.

" get up", she whispered once again, louder this time, it wasn't a request, it was an order. My head ached as whispers started running through my head, they were almost too loud, it felt like I was in a crowd of whispering people, unable to make out what each of them said.

"Jinx?", I blinked slowly trying to see her better, but there was no one, only enforcers laying on the ground. Dead.

" get up", Jinx yelled so loud I shut my eyes tight, frustration twisted in my chest because I couldn't see where she was.

Then it hit me, she's not real. It was just inside my head.

I banged my head onto the railing once, as the whispers got intense. I couldn't think of anything else. It hurt.

Then, someone's footsteps reached my ears, it wasn't someone, it was Jinx. I could hear it by the lullaby she was humming. The same one she hummed me to sleep after I got those terrifying nightmares.

She fired her gun at an alive enforcer, who barely moved. She shot him right in the face. That's my girl. I smiled weakly as I felt a stab of relief, seeing her.

Jinx walked over to me slowly and crouched down, her eyes flashed with worry as she examined my figure. I bet I look like shit right now.

"Are you real?", I managed to speak quietly, but my voice cracked, my words making her eyes go wide.

She pursed her lips tightly, her palm caressed my bruised cheek as her head nodded aggressively," yeah, toots, Im right here".

She placed my arm over her shoulder after grabbing the bag with the bluestone, lifting me up on my feet. I grunted in pain, as the wounds seemed to open again," breathe, toots, I'll get you home".

Mine and Jinx's eyes fell onto Vi who held Caitlyn the same way Jinx held me. I turned my gaze onto Jinx, her eyes darting between Vi and the Kiramman girl. I watched her face closely, searching for any emotion and when I saw her face I knew what she felt. She felt betrayed. She thought Vi was leaving her again. That Vi was choosing Caitlyn over her.

Anger heated my blood seeing Jinx hurt.

Vi hurt Jinx again.

I knew she will.

Jinx scoffed, grabbing her minigun and firing at the two love birds. Vi pushed Caitlyn away, dodging the bullets and Ekko flew on his hoverboard between them, flying at me and Jinx. His pipe hits us and we both fall to the ground, rolling away from each other.

The impact as I met the cement made my body ache and my head buzz. I groaned in pain, placing my hand above my head as my eyes met Jinxs. She looked furious and when she saw me in this condition fury tore through her.

Ekko got the bag and threw it into Vi's hands," go!", he yelled angrily. I didn't dare to look at Vi and Caitlyn knowing that they will leave. And they did. Just like that. Vi left us again.

Jinx didn't bother to help me up as she calmly walked towards Ekko with her pistol, her minigun still laid on the cement. I frowned my eyebrows, confused with her actions. Would she kill Ekko?

Ekko came running to Jinx with his pipe and a watch, I didn't understand what happened, but when I blinked Ekko was already on top of Jinx, his fist in the air ready to blow. Angst rose in my chest as Jinx tilted her head and looked directly at me.

A barely noticeable smile tugged her lips, blood ran down her nose and her eyes were almost telling me that everything is okay. My eyes fell on her fingers as she took the safety pin off. I understood what she was going to do. She had to get the bluestone for Silco no matter what. Even if it meant that we had to lose our own lives.


My eyes fluttered open and the pain hit me like a lightning bolt. I coughed as the smoke invaded my lungs, the sound of fire flames snapping made me cringe.

"Jinx!", I cried out, hoping that she will reply. My eyes roamed through the area searching for her, panic rose in me like a tide," Jinx!", a shriek left my lips when my eyes fell on Jinxs figure. She laid on the ground not moving and I wasn't sure if she was breathing.

I managed to stumble to her as shimmer healed my body. The green liquid has worn out, that's why I was getting back my energy back. I couldn't find Ekko anywhere meaning that he was still alive.

My eyes went huge and I forgot how to breathe. I fell on my knees in front of Jinx's body. My chest felt tight and I couldn't inhale air. My palms hesitantly touched her shoulder, pushing it a little bit, "Jinx", my voice broke since my throat was so sore, and it hurt to talk.

" Ji-inx", tears welled in my eyes, once again I pushed her lightly, my head hurt and wished she would just wake up," Jinx, please", I could barely even hear my voice as my lips trembled. This kind of pain was unbearable. It hurt. It feels like it's eating me from the inside out.

Once a tear ran down my face I inhaled a deep breath, crying hysterically and lunging onto her. I sobbed with her body in my embrace, she was cold, so cold.

I wrinkled my nose, sniffing as I looked at her face and shut my eyes tight. I couldn't look at her. I couldn't. It hurt too much.

Loud footsteps reached my ears, but I didn't bother to react. I was too drained and too focused on my Jinx. I flinched as a hand rested on my shoulder, gripping me and pushing me back. I fought trying to get Jinx back into my embrace. I couldn't leave her.

Silco crouched to her, my eyesight got blurry and I couldn't make out what was happening. He took Jinx in his arms, carrying her," it's okay, we will save her".


I was sobbing into my knees, the angst and pain haven't left me even for a second. Silco took Jinx to the doctor and I was fighting to come with him, but he ordered his henchmen to bring me to Jinxs room, he told me to rest. Silco promised me that she will survive.

I couldn't stop thinking about how much pain Jinx is feeling right now. I remembered how much it hurt, how I was getting my consciousness back with unbearable pain flowing through my veins, and how I blacked out again, and again...

The door opened, revealing worried Sevika," what the fuck were you thinking?!", she yelled out making me flinch. I just hugged myself tighter, being sure it will leave bruises on my skin. Sevika plopped down onto Jinxs bed with a frustrated sigh," you could've died!", her healthy hand flew in the air aggressively.

"I...Jin-nx...", I cried in between the words, sobbing hard against my knees. Sevikas eyebrows knitted at the sight in front of her. I knew she was sick worried and me hurting made her hurt too. That's just how we were.

" Listen, kid. She's going to be fine", her palm rested on my back, stroking it slightly," I mean, it's Jinx we're talking about, trust me.", Sevika chuckled, her palm leaving my back and stroking my hair softly, trying to comfort me, even though she wasn't the best at it, maybe her words made some angst go away.

"You should take a nap, kiddo, when you wake up your girlfriend will be fine and probably kicking some ass", Sevika pushed me back onto the bed by my forearms when I didn't react to her advice," there you go", she pulled the blanket over my figure, tapping my back slightly, "sleep".

Sevika left the room, leaving me alone, but I didn't feel so alone now. The whispers invaded my head again and I got used to the headache as their voices got louder.

" Y/N", Jinxs voice was so quiet, I could barely hear her, the mattress beside me sunk as I felt her lay next to me, hugging me from behind and resting her chin on my shoulder.

"Im sorry", I closed my eyes tight," I-I should've done more to save you", a single tear ran down my red cheek.

"Im alright, Im right here", she whispered into my ear. I felt safe and the angst left me entirely as I fell into a deep sleep.

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