14. Sisters, right?

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Jinxs pov.

I quietly walked behind Y/N and Sevika as they both spoke with each other or more like argued. I couldn't focus on what were they saying, I was too much into my thoughts.

"She will never speak to you again", Mylo whispered behind my shoulder making me squeeze my eyes shut hoping he would just shut up.

" Think about it, maybe she doesn't like you, maybe she felt lonely and wanted some company, she was drunk on shimmer too", I could hear the change in Mylo's voice, he was mad that I'd been trying to ignore him around her.

"You used her", tears filled my eyes, trying so hard not to let them fall I stopped blinking for a few seconds.

" and today you failed a job, think about how Silco will be disappointed, he will think you're weak", my fists clenched and I decided to focus on Y/N walking in front of me, my eyes roamed around her figure, her short hair that was just a shade darker than mine, her eyelashes that moved once she blinked, her arms at her sides and her bloody wrists.  The guilt choked me.

"Silco will be so pissed at me since I was the one who had to make sure everything went as planned", Sevikas irritation crackled at Y/N getting my attention.

" Maybe he won't be that mad?", Y/N shrugged with a fake smile on her face attempting to calm Sevika down. The way Y/N and Sevika were so close made me annoyed to the core.

"Yeah, he won't be mad at Jinx or you", her nostrils flared like they always do, I huffed under my nose quietly.

" I'm sorry," Y/Ns voice came out quiet and sounded like she really meant it which she probably did, "I was seeing that d-day, I-I was back in that cold water", she stopped walking forcing us to stop too," I couldn't tell reality from a nightmare", she tried to explain as best as she could, her eyes filled with tears. My teeth gritted against the pain from seeing her like this, but I didn't move from my place, I only stared at the ground.

With a defeated sigh Sevika took Y/N into her embrace," it's fine, kid, we all sometimes fuck up a job", she had to bend her knees to be able to hug Y/N like that since she was built like a fucking giraffe. This sight in front of me was something new, I have never seen Sevika hugging anyone or comforting them. Jealousy boiled in me even though I knew this was the best for Y/N.

"I'll get going, I need some more work to do since you both fucked up", Sevika spat shaking her head side to side, backing away from the hug and patting Y/Ns head softly, pushing it lightly before she left me and Y/N alone in awkward silence. I let out an annoyed huff, as if Sevika wasn't there too, at least I fought.

Y/N just stood there and nod her head to Sevika that now was out of our sight probably not knowing what to do or where to go.

" sweet cheeks?", I was tired of her being pissed at me, I needed to know what was wrong, why was she acting like this. My hand reached her shoulder still not glancing at her.

She hummed in response waiting for me to begin," why do you hate me?", I was fighting back the tears as my voice trembled.

Her brows snapped together and her flaming pink eyes burned into me," who told you that?!", Y/N lifted my head to face her by my chin softly, her mouth set in a hard line when she saw my tears running down my face, "I don't hate you blueberry, I'm just mad that you left this morning without me", her thumb wiped my hot and salty tears.

" I'm sorry, I-I just-" I inhaled deeply," I felt like I used you", my words were honest.

"it's okay, let's just get back to Silco, shall we?", Y/Ns fingers softly brushed my bangs behind my ear and her lips pecked my nose tip, easing the sadness in me.

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