19. I promise

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I always believed that there were only two kinds of love in this world; The kind that you would kill for and the kind that you would die for...

But for her...

Is the kind that I would live for.

Y/Ns pov.

" what's up, toots? Can't sleep?", Jinx whispered into my ear from behind, her arm wrapped around me and her fingertips softly tracing circles on my tummy. 

I hummed in response. After successfully making the bluestone work I and Jinx got back to her room, which I didn't even know existed. It wasn't large, it was cozy and warm, but the only warmth that I adored at this moment was Jinx's hot body pressed against my back as her chin rested on my shoulder.

"Why? What ya thinking about?", she brought her long nails to my neck, stroking it softly. Her warm breath on my neck made me feel calm, but the thought of Vi kept creeping into my head. And not only that.

" nothing important", I lied since I haven't decided if I should tell her about Vi or not. There was nothing I wanted more than Jinx to be happy. I didn't know if she would be happy to see Vi, and even if she would something in me felt that Vi will hurt Jinx again in some way.

"You can tell me, why can't you sleep?", her fingertips now brushed my hair, the sound of her eyelashes batting echoed through my ears.

I sighed, "Because I'm so afraid that if I close my eyes and open them again I'll be back in that cold water, suffocating.", I whispered honestly, my voice was shaking a little bit.

Her grip on me tightened, as she pressed herself harder against me," but I'm right here, toots, I won't let anyone hurt you". I loosened up a bit, her words made me feel safe and protected, but for how long?

"You know I love you right?", she suddenly rose, sitting up. My mind could only focus on the cold when her warmth left me. Her eyes stared into mine for a while, getting smaller as her eyebrows got lower. I realized that I stayed quiet not answering her question," yeah, of course, I know", I sat up, searching for her hand with my fingertips since it was so dark, once I found it I lock our fingers together.

She smiled weakly, her mind going somewhere else, "that day...", Jinx began slowly, with a pause as a shaky breath escaped her lips, "Silco took Vander, a-and Vi told me to stay in the basement, I-I did at first but...", I listened closely not missing a word she said," I came up with a plan, and i-it worked...", she shut her eyes tight, the pain radiated from her, pulling me in too as I felt it, "I killed them and V-Vi left me", her voice trembled, tears began falling through her closed eyes.

" I-I just wanted to help",  Jinx cried out, her eyes crashing open and fingers squeezed mine.
My heart clenched seeing her like this, it wasn't the first time, but now it was different. If I just could snatch her pain and put it into myself, I would. I closed my eyes, squeezing them as I couldn't handle seeing Jinx like that.

I never thought I could hate Vi, but she hurt Jinx and that is a good reason enough, "hey, shhh... It's okay, you were saving them", my palms caressed her wet cheeks that I loved so much. She leaned her face into my palms relaxing a bit.

" I love you, and I won't let anyone hurt you ever again, okay?", I told her the same things she told me, it made me feel better so I thought it will make her feel better too.

"Okay", Jinx whispered back, reaching for me and hugging me tightly," promise me you will never leave me", she spoke into the crook of my neck.

I sighed, my palms stroking her back, "I promise".

Enemy (Jinx x Oc Female Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora