22. Everything I wanted

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The pain.

It does not go away

I hurt

I cry

And I scream...

But why does no one care?

Y/Ns pov

I squinted my eyes at the bright light, that burned my eyes, the door opened revealing Ekko with Vi and someone behind them. They didn't even have to say words, only Ekkos head nodded into my direction gesturing the big dude to do something to me.

I watched closely as the guy walked over to me who sat on the cold and dusty ground. I growled when he gripped my forearm, forcing me to stand up.

I stumbled a little, my wrists still bleeding as the chain cut through my skin. The shimmer didn't let me bleed out for these past couple of hours, "what are you doing?", I glared at Ekko, then at Vi.

Vi let out a painful sigh," we will give you over to enforcers", she stepped closer to me. My body went cold with dread, the pain of betrayal twisted in my stomach making me feel like I might throw up.

"So that's it? You're just going to give me to them?", my voice broke as I scoffed, I lost Powder once, I'm not ready to lose her again. I promised.

" you're far too gone, Y/N", my real name rolled off of Ekko's tongue with venom, as he knitted his eyebrows and with one hand gesture to the big guy near me, I felt his grip on me again.

I swung my head to face him, seeing a needle in his hands, it wasn't shimmer this time, it was some green liquid, but that still didn't stop the panic flutter in my stomach, remembering every time a needle was injected into my skin.

My eyes went wide as I started to move and try to wiggle out of his grip aggressively," stop", I cried out and my voice broke. One last painful glance at Vi, whose face flashed with regret and I felt myself getting weaker and tired. I fought for my eyes to stay open but there was no use and my body went limp, falling into the guy's arms.


Jinxs pov.

Anger thrummed through my veins as I watched Ekko carry Y/N thrown over his shoulder. Her blood soaked through the bandages on her abdomen and wrists, my body ached with the desire to jump from the top of the bridge, to blow up Ekko and take my Y/N back.

I switched the lens I was looking through closer to Vi and Caitlyn, who was hugging. Anger rose even bigger as I pulled the lens away from my face.

Whispers filled my head, Mylo being the loudest of them all as he was just behind my back, I growled," shut up", I cleared the shadow of Mylo whose laugh made my skin crawl with frustration," it's just a goodbye hug", my voice trying to convince myself.

Mylo whispered into my ear, telling me that Vi is going to leave, I listened closely," she wouldn't do that. Not again.", I frowned hard, not letting my eyes leave their figures.

Y/Ns pov

I fluttered my eyelashes, the dizziness didn't let me think or sense clearly. Only the behind of someone's boots caught my eyes. I breathed hard, pain across my abdomen as it was pressed against someone's shoulder made me cringe.

I managed to lift my head only a little bit, slowly turning it side to side only to meet my eyes with Ekkos white deadlocks and Caitlyns eyes. I wanted to move but my body was too sore and weak for that.

"Halt!", white light flashed into our direction, making me blind for a second even though I was turned to the other side. I grunted in pain as Ekko shifted his hand, probably covering his eyes.

" what the hell is this?", Ekko was just as confused as I am. I felt frustration twist in my tummy since I couldn't see what was happening, too weak to speak even.

"Sir! I have proof. Silcos behind everything", I could see Caitlyn's figure through the corners of my eyes. She showed her enforcer's badge half covering her face with her forearm.

My ears listened closely, hearing someone step closer," show me", a deep voice ordered. I realized that he was an enforcer, probably here to take me to still water prison.

Once more I grunted at the pain when Ekko sat me down on the cold cement, even a slight action hurt like freaking hell. I opened my eyes weakly, glaring at him with painful emotion on my face. He paused and then moved again leaning me into the railing of the bridge that we'll we were on.

This bridge made me feel uneasy and I couldn't figure out why, "no", Ekko turned back to Caitlyn whispering with a shake of his head.

"Hmm", the kiramman girl nodded assuring him that it was fine and that he has to do it. He breathe out harshly twice," shit!", his voice frustrated. I recognized the enforcer in front of Ekko, it was the one I saw leaving Silcos office a couple of days back. He and I made eye contact, his eyes a little wide but he hid it really quick.

My eyes darted at the sound of some sharp sound, my heart jumped as I took in the sight in front of me. The bluestone that Jinx stole was in Ekko's bag now, spinning.

Suddenly the enforcer pulled out his gun, aiming at Ekko and firing, "No!", I shrieked but it came out so quiet, I was sure no one could hear me.
The gun was aimed at the kiramman girl, the man crouched taking the bag with the magical blue stone into his grasp," Caitlyn!", Vi shouted making my eyebrows crash together in confusion. What the fuck is happening.

"I told you to leave this alone", his gun aimed at Caitlyns head. I just watched not able to move or even lift my head slightly as the pain dominated my body and the green liquid mixed up with shimmer, it made me want to throw up my organs out.

My vision started to get blurry, but I managed to keep my consciousness as the green bugs flew along the bridge, there were so many of them, It was beautiful.

Some of them landed onto the enforcers and other random places, but they never came near me. The enforcer grunted as he couldn't bring himself to shoot the girl. One of those bugs landed on the edge of his gun and exploded. Soon enough everything around me exploded, the wave of wind threw me against the railings harshly and I hissed, the pain was unbearable, it shot through my arms, legs, abdomen, chest, and head.

I panted hard as the explosions ended, smoke everywhere made me cough and flinched every time I did since it hurt to move even this much. My eyes flashed open, my head ached hard as I remembered my mother.

He lied.


The memories of my mother's dead body on this very same bridge hit me like a lightning bolt strike. Raw anger shot through me. All these years, for more than half of my life I believe that my mother left me because I was a burden. Because I was useless. Because I couldn't fight or do anything right.

I grunted, my palms on the stone ground supporting me as I lifted myself a bit, trying to ignore the pain and concentrate on something else. Jinx. I needed Jinx.

Tears welled up my eyes at the thought of Jinx. The world seemed to be my enemy and I just needed Jinxs hug right now. I wanted to be in her warm embrace, I wanted to smell the scent of gun powder and bubble gum on her, I wanted her to stroke my hair softly as she assured me that everything was okay. That I'll be fine. That's everything I wanted.

Is that so much to ask?

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