11. Pain

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A/N: heyyyyy y'all I said I was going to upload new part yesterday but I felt like it wasn't good enough so I changed it and now Im uploading it! I really hope that y'all will enjoy this part!

Y/N pov


Extreme pain filled my head as soon as I was conscious again.
I have never felt this kind of pain before. It was so intense, I couldn't focus or think clearly. My eyes shot open and I arched my back.

All I wanted to do was scream, but as soon as I opened my mouth, only violent coughs left it. I couldn't breathe normally, inhaling rapidly. My sense of reality changed, I didn't know where I was, or who was with me.

My vision was blurred and the only thing I could make out right now was a metal table with some medical tools on it.

One sharp inhale.

My eyes darted to the IV filled with pink liquid. I couldn't stay still, the pain was too severe. Grunting and wailing I could make out someone's hands touching my cheeks as I blinked rapidly, what looked like Jinx caressed them.

One sharp inhale.

A needle pierced my skin and I let out a scream as the flaming pain shot through my veins. Jinx's hands tightened, gripping my cheeks harshly.

"It's okay, hold on", her voice barely made it to my ear as I was too focused on the pain.

" stop", I managed to cry out, my voice hoarse and it came out as a whisper almost. I shut my eyes and tears ran down my eyes. It burned so bad. So I screamed out again.

She shook her head, tears stained her face too.
"No, no, no-", I yelled out when the needle came near my neck again.

" she will rip the ropes, hold her still", a man ordered Jinx and her hands left my cheeks, now gripping my shoulders holding my back as I tried to get off of the metal table.

No use.

"Stop moving, it's for your own good", Jinx cried out.


Jinx pov.

"Stop moving, it's for your own good", I cried out again. It hurt to see Y/N like this. Silco told me to get her here, he promised that the doctor will save her, and now I'm forced to hold her down as she tortures in pain.

He was injecting shimmer into her. An insane amount of it," what are you doing?", I gritted my teeth as Y/N screamed in agony again.

"I'm saving her life", he filled another shot of shimmer, bringing it back to Y/N again. This was insane.

I shook my head, my grip tightening on Y/Ns shoulders as she tried to get off of the table," you're killing her", my nails dig into her skin after realizing that Y/N was his experimental dog. He never tried this. She could die.

"No, I told you, Im trying to save her-", he injected the shimmer, making Y/N scream again. I shut my eyes tight, my lips fell into a flat line attempting to shut her scream out of my head,"there's a chance she will die".

My eyes shot open," what?!", I let go of Y/N, grabbing the doctor by his collar, ripping it slightly.

"It's better than letting her die!", he yelled into my face.

'Don't trust him' Mylo spoke into my ear. I don't trust him, I just can't risk Y/N dying. I can't.

I searched his eyes with mine, intensively looking for a sign of lying, but I found none, so I hesitantly let go of him," you better save her, or I'll make you my experimental pet".

Enemy (Jinx x Oc Female Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя