30. I have her

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Y/Ns pov.

"Ched", I rested my head onto the counter rolling a pencil around. The pub was full today, folks danced and rubbed into each other, some were going crazy with shimmer in their system. I didn't feel happy, sad, or angry. I felt empty.

The loud music didn't affect me like it used to, it didn't make me want to dance until my knees bleed even though I was wasted right now.

" Yes, boss?", Ched or whatever his name was, cleaned the cups as if it was his tradition.

I cleared my throat," don't you ever get tired from cleaning those cups over and over again?", my brow rose, my voice gave out that I was completely drunk.

Jinx left me a few hours ago, telling me that she had to prepare my birthday party and get a gift for me. I did refuse at first of course, but she insisted, and at the end just did whatever she wanted. So I came here, hoping to drown my problems with alcohol.

The bartender's eyes darted nervously from side to side," I do sometimes, but it's my job, and cleaning cups helps me to stay calm if I get nervous" he explained as he watched his own hands clean the cup.

I nodded my head onto the surface of the counter not bothering to look up at him.


Jinxs pov.

A pink tear ran down my cheek as I stared at the statue of Vander. I finished preparing the birthday party for my Y/N, but the images of our celebrations when we were younger haunted my mind.

I do wish everything was like it used to, I and Y/N could pull pranks on Mylo and Claggor, or even Vi.

"You killed us all", Mylo spoke quietly and calmly, forcing more burning tears to escape my eyes.

" I was saving you", my voice broke as I mumbled under my breath. The pink tears mixed with the water below the statue as I brushed my fingers onto the surface forcing them to mix.

"Jinx" a voice I knew well spoke, making me flinch and pull out my gun instantly, aiming at him.

"What do you want?!", I spat out gripping the gun tighter, about to pull the trigger. He raised his hands in surrender slowly stepping towards the fountain and I never let the barrel of my gun leave his figure.

"I come here often", Ekko nodded his head gesturing to the statue of Vander," I miss him", he sat down onto the edge of the fountain. He was limping. I glanced at his leg that he must've broken that day on the bridge.

"I miss Y/N too", Ekko's voice came out with pain as he looked down at his shoes," I loved her as a sister".

I didn't move an inch and listened to what he had to say," but she changed", he chuckled sadly," more than you", finally Ekko's eyes looked up at me, regret flashed in them. I was confused why would he tell me all of this.

"You almost killed her, twice", I gritted out struggling against my anger at the memories of Y/N screaming on that metal table in the doctor's office.

" I was scared", he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world," Gwen is gone, Jinx, there's only Y/N now", he stood up and strolled to me slowly.

"I know you're hurt, and that's why you chose Silcos side", I frowned hard at his words, loosening my grip on the gun, " but you have a choice now. You can come with me and we can be just like we used to", his words made my bottom lip tremble.

"Please. I missed you".

The whispers in my head began mumbling something, making my head ache. I didn't know what was I supposed to do. If I chose to go with Ekko, I'd have a home, I'd have a family, and I'd have Ekko.

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