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My selfishness wasn't over, not quite yet. Later that night, I watched her take the trash around to the bin that was on the side of the house and go back inside only to leave a few moments later towards the park nearby. I took notice after a few hours went by and she hadn't come back yet that she was probably still there. After about 8 hours, I began to get a bad gut feeling ao I went to the front yard and stood there for a few minutes.

I was hoping I'd hear something and as soon as I was heading inside I noticed the 2 shadow figures in the park but it was so dark I couldn't make out quite qhat they were doing. It looked like a couple having sex in the park perhaps. I headed back inside because I knew I was crazy. That wasn't possible. It was all in my imagination. Had to be. Nobody really went to that park at night.  It was about 10 minutes later and I heard crying and muffled screaming.

I continued to hear the noise and that's when I decided to go to the park and sneak a peek at the probable people.. when I came up to the people I noticed the girls hair color and her body and especially her voice,, begging him to let her go. Rhaven was being raped and the guy held a dagger to her throat the whole time. He kept one hand on her hair an the weapon in the other, against her throat. I could tell he had threatened to cut her throat out if she screamed or made any sound shortly before I got here.

I went to my house and went tl the window in my room and waited and then I saw her walk into the front door and never turn around when closing the door behind her and then after that I didn't even see a bit of light coming from the house at all. When I went to look back at her house, I noticed the curtains were closed. I knew she was raped and I did nothing to save her from him.

I spent the whole night snorting Coke, trying to numb myself and pretend that I was the good guy she knew I was. That I knew I am.

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