Heart stop

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Her heart stopped beating for over 30 minutes and I was wondering what was going to happen to her.  She had been alone in study hall and she had suddenly collapsed it seemed and all everyone could do was stand around and gawk at her. It annoyed the piss out of me. I took her to the school nurse and waited there with her until she came to.

Ryder barged right into the room with us and started spewing off as usual. "The fuck you do to her, huh?! You pathetic, sad fucking puppy dog. Such a pussy. Fucking pussy boy. You trying to take her from me, again? Seriously? You won't keep winning and you do know that, don't you. That's why you're here. To try and make up for the shit and it's eating at you so that's why you are doing this. Clear conscience. Such a fool! She's my girl, we're a couple so back the fuck off. I'm warming you." I sighed heavily and replied,"I don't need a lecture from the guy who is CONSTANTLY fucking up with her. Fucking other girls, forcing her to do shit she dont wanna do but you do so you find a way to make her. Don't think I don't know what kind of sick FUCK You are. I swear to God, if you EVER lay a hand on her, and it's visible too, you won't be needing a doctor because you'll end up in the damn morgue!"

I pounded my hand on the table next to the bed and she shit up like a lightning bolt, so fast that you needed a double take of the damn thing. Her heart stop stopped! She gasped for air and was wheezing quite a bit, but she didn't seem to be out of the ordinary. She looked frantically around the room and started to have a panic attack. The nurse came in and made the two of us leave while they tried calming her down. This felt like I was living The Weekend's The Hills song because she and I were hooking up left and right and so were they too and we kept everything on the down low, olayrd it safe.

I heard her calling for us and we barged our way right back in the room. "I know I have to choose one. I'm making my decision now. I love the sex with you both, but obviously there's only really one who can have my everything. I'd like it to be Ryder. We are engaged and you know what I want and I hope you're willing to give it to me. Don't make me regret my decision, Ryde. I love you, Tate, but it's better we just stay friends and stop linking up unless it's as friends. Just friends. I know we'll always have feelings for each other, but it's just right. I hope you understand," she said.  The disappointment must have shown greatly because I couldn't gather the words to say so I just ealkrd out of the hospital.

Before I left the hospital completely, I looked back at Ryder and he looked me right in the eyes because knew what it meant.  I could feel the sorrow she felt in her decision but I also knew that it was for the best, at least right now...  I texted Daemon to pick me up from the hospital and I knew he would come alone because he sensed my aura and felt the vibe itself. I sat on the bench in the parking lot and drowned in disappointment and sadness. The sorrow so overwhelming that I felt like there was rain pouring down from the sky. Soaking me.

When he got to the hospitals parking lot, he shut the car off and just sat in silence with me for what seemed like an endless amount of time. Even an eternity....

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