Part 9: Talent and talentless

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The talent was better than the talentless because of the unique creativity. The talentless were the ones with nothing to offer and the talented ones had so much more to offer to everyone. The depression sank into me that night as I cooked dinner with him.

"She wants us to fight and that's why she wanted me to tell you this and I guess Wynrie beat me to it because it did cause issues between us, clearly. While I want to piss you off about Wynrie, I honestly do love that girl. I love her just as much as I do Rhaven and even as you do. I was just hoping to have someone finally feel the same way. I'm sorry for fucking our relationship up over a girl,_ I said. He began to set the table. " It's fine. I overreacted without giving you much time to give me answers I was looking for so the vlane is also on me. Hopefully things get better between us because this is childish shit to get in a fight over. Like honestly, I shouldn't have junped to any conclusions without letting you defend yourself first. I'm sorry, brother," he said, sincerely.

The bond we had together was untouchable and that was what kept us both going most days. I knew the sincerity in him was truthful and he wasn't intentionally an asshole. He was better than I was because I lied a little to him and he was such a sap that he bought the whole apology. Such an idiot!

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