Diss on him

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This was the diss on him and it nainky came from me. He deserved nothing but the worst because that's all he was ever going to be. I saw the tears in her eyes before the bell rang for class to get started and everyone left the cafeteria. I saw her lips moving and saying something around the lines of," I just don't fit in anywhere because everyone has something in common and I don't with anyone. Not like that." She hurried off to class after that and pretended to be as normal as she could.

The tears streaked her pale face so it was still somewhat visible to the eye. The hurt she must have been feeling was something I hoped she'd get through soon, but I wasn't getting my hopes up on it. I noticed at lunch, she kept touching her lower abdomen as if she was hurt or in some pain and I knew I had to just try and pretend not to notice her at all and it was a struggle.  Since Ryder had disappeared off the face of the earth, I noticed her physical pain became increasingly more frequent and painful. The worse it got she just seemd to continue to brush it off as "fine" or "nothing".

She even said it was "nothing serious" and people were able to tell how much of a lie that was quite quickly. The pain was on her lower left pelvic area and everytime she moved, even an inch, she became engulfed in physical pain. She tried to hide it as best as she could but she wasn't able to do such a good job at it. I started to easily focus on Wynrie more quicker than I thought I would.

I couldn't help but stare at her natural beauty and think about the sexual shit I'd do to her fragile, little body. How I'd take her in the shower while the warm water is going, kissing her neck and having her legs wrapped around my midsection while I thrust inside of her and eventually come inside of her. Absolutely NO protection. Making sure she gets what she wants. Possibly making Rhaven jealous and probably pissing off Daemon.

I caught Wynrie at around lunchtime and we talked and decided we'd finish our conversation in the basement of the school. We wanted to have more privacy and nobody overhearing the conversation. Such a private conversation. Daemon came up to me and pulled me off to the side once she had left and began to make threats at me. "You better not hurt her, you bastard. I know why you're doing this. To make her jealous and piss me off because you know what she means to me. And you are probably going to go ahead with your plans, but just know that you will make this bed and YOU will have to lay in it. No matter the result you get, dear brother."

I knew what that meant and I wasn't sure why he was using the scare tactic with me here but I didn't really give a damn. I was determined to have that conversation with her regardless of what anyone thought. It wasn't like we weren't friends so it shouldn't have concerned anyone as much as it seemed to. I think they were just letting theit own fears overrule then and trying to psss it to me or something. And it almost worked.

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