Another ending of an end

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It was time for everyone to go home and Daemon and I were helpful enough to get them in the car seats and let her get a small break in. At least til they got to the house. She sat in the back with her kids and let Daemon sit in the passenger seat. She fell asleep on the way back and so did the twins. It felt good to have her kids with me and my two closest friends too. She could sense Ryder burning her place down so she knew the only thing she could do, live with us. She woke up and we were still on the way back to the house and she fell into tears, silently. She knew I was taking notice but wasn't going to make a scene out of it.

The tears ran down her cheeks and she just had to silently tell herself that this was for the best. For the three of them. She knew I understood where she was coming from here. She also knew that I knew Ryder was going to try to come back once again. We got to the house after what felt forever. She got the twins inside by herself and they went to the spare room in the house and got settled in. She noticed that everything she needed was already in the room and she was a little concerned about how. She saw a note that read,"This should be everything you need but if not, contact me"-Ryder. She was speechless. However, she knew he was just trying to buy his way back in. Trying to yet again, buy her.

She heard footsteps approach the room and grabbed the closest thing to a weapon she could find, a razor blade. A subtle knock touched the door and Daemon's voice came not long after it. "Let us know if you need anything. We can always give you a break if you need it. I promise, we aren't total monsters," he said. She chuckled softly and he was leaving when she opened the door and replied,"I could use some help. I need to get the room together and if you guys wouldn't mind caring for them.." He nodded at me. He carried Sabin and Wynrie to a different room and she began to work on the room. She heard a shuffle of footsteps behind her and when she turned around, she was instantly thrown against the wall, pinned to it while her neck was being choked from behind and her hair pulled.

"You REALLY thought that you were just going to move in with your ex and I wouldn't know?! You better not be fucking him! I WILL kill you. You worthless excuse for a woman. You will NEVER be rid of me! And I swear on those kids lives, if you do anything I dislike, you'll regret it. Every. Second. Of. It. I come over to see how you like my gift and I overhear you telling that monster to take MY kids!? You have NO idea what that does to me. And if I catch you sleeping with the other monster.. I wouldn't want to be you. Let's just say that," Ryder said. He punched her and broke her nose and he gave her a black eye, left a mark on her neck from choking her so hard and split her lip before he left. She fell to the floor and silently cried her eyes out. She bit through the pain of the black eye as tears fell at a vigorous pace.

She covered her mouth with her hands to muffle ANY sound. And prayed nobody heard anything whatsoever. She tried to get back to the room as best as she could and get everything how she wanted it. Once the room was done, she heard another set of footsteps behind her and she jumped this time. I was here now. When she turned to face me, I stopped smiling and became enraged. Every touch I made to the wounds stung and made her whimper a little. It made me get furious by the minute. "When did he come in here," I said, through clenched teeth. "He overheard me and Daemon talking about my fixing the room up and you guys watching the twins. After I started working on the room.." she replied but couldn't finish the words.

I sighed aloud and came and hugged her and she collapsed into my chest crying. "You know I have to tell Daemon about this so we can protect you and your family from his lunatic ass, right," I asked. She nodded and I knew she really didn't want us involved in anything else than we already were. Her phone went off and she knew who it was before she even answered it. Ryder. "You know that I love you so quit these games, Rhave," Ryder said before he hung up. She had no words for the fear she felt in this moment. Having been through her pregnancy alone was already emotional enough but all of this bullshit since.. It was exhausting as fuck. "What does he want," I asked. "Me to stop playing games because he loves me.. Aside from threatening my life of I slept with you or anything..." She replied back, hastily. She knew we wouldn't let that happen but still, the fear was embedded in her.

I held her close to me and swore I'd stay in the room with them just to be safe. To make sure nothing happened to them. Daemon would no doubt keep watch all throughout the house while we slept and then report to me. I could feel the fear flowing off of her entire body but I was true to my word, I wouldn't let anything happen. I even took her phone for safety. She often woke up in a hurry when she'd  hear sort of faint footsteps around the house and I was always there to help calm her down. Sometimes even get her back to bed. Daemon also checked the outside of the house too (just to be safe). Daemon ended up catching Ryder trying to break in and he grabbed him and took him to the garage. He then proceeded to chain him to the garage door and watched as Ryder pretty much decapitated himself trying incredibly hard to get free.

There was blood everywhere and he cleaned every inch of it up before returning to the house. He had texted me about what happened and I whispered it in her ear and moved the strand of hair from her face to get a better look at her. Comfort her better. Reassure her. The tears still fell on her face and I brushed them away. And never left her side unless I  brought her the twins when they cried or needed to be fed or something. Even during the day, I  never really left her alone. As time went on, the wounds healed up most of the way and she began to look somewhat normal again. She put the kids down for a nap and I would come sit on the bed with her and we'd talk for an endless amount of time. "You know, I won't say I'm any better than he was. However, I treated you way better. I never did half of the fucked up shit he did. And I have ALWAYS loved you, Rhave. That is never going to change," I said.

"I know. You were better by far. Even you had your mistakes, but we agreed to have our little one night stand thing. I know things have definitely changed between us since then though. It was kind of obvious that our one night stand would become more eventually. It was just a matter of time," she replied back. We could both agree on that for sure. We both knew that we could become a couple but it'd have to be a VERY mutual thing. Her phone went off and as soon as she answered, she knew things were going to get worse. "We aren't done yet, Rhave," Ryder said. "Yeah, actually we are," she replied. "You belong to me! You are mine," Ryder shouted, angrily. "I'm not stuck with you you know," she replied back. I could tell he was just getting angrier but I didn't care. "We're both done with one another, this relationship isn't shit. That's the way you chose for things to go with us, Ryder," she said.

"You only cared about yourself and pretended to need me just to get by," she added. He quickly replied,"That isn't true! You have always been what I need. I wasn't using you at all. I swear." She scoffed at him this time and shot back,"Sure you didn't. You always swear and that's your problem because nothing you say adds up to what you do, Ryder. You just talk and hardly ever do what you say you will or need to. You're incredibly lazy and it's why we don't work anymore. I don't want anything to do with you. Its over." She hung up the phone and blocked the number immediately. I didn't utter a word to her. Just let me handle things her way and say what she needed to say.

She knew I understood her on more than one level and that's what she liked most about me. I just got things without needing to know the whole story. I wasn't even annoying like Ryder. Ryder was too needy and acted like a spoiled ass brat. It was too overwhelming especially now with the twins. He was more joke around than serious. And I  was almost the complete opposite. I  had my moments of joking around but mainly stuck to the business at hand. I approached her and kissed her, gently. "I love you, Rhave," I  whispered. She felt a flush of heat on her cheeks and knew she was blushing a little bit. "I love you too, Tate," I replied. Daemon, Rhaven, the twins and I all lived in peace for the rest of our lives and it was great.

Ryder ended up leaving town, just disappearing and never heard from again. Nobody really cared what he did with his life after he continuously fucked up. Rhaven and I ended up getting engaged after a few years and were heading towards our wedding date. We decided to take our engagement slow because it was best for our family. Sabin and Wynrie fell in love with me and often called me "Daddy" and our hearts melted at it. I was her kind of Prince Charming. She felt bad for Daemon though because he lost his Princess way too early. We wished they had gotten to know what the other felt before things went the way they did. He would've been a great father to her child too. We had alot of wishes and no one to grant them. She was grateful for me though. I never stopped making an effort with her. She truly loved me. She wish she hadn't wasted time figuring things out though.

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