Chapter 22

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It was the next day Takemichi is waiting at the restaurant for naoto to show up, she had many questions about hina because it seemed like no one was giving her a full answer. She really wanted to know what happened to her friend and why was everyone acting off about it. Takemichi was wondering what was naoto so long to show up she was look threw her phone when she came face to face with, naoto who soon had taken a sit that the table.

Naoto " whatever you have done in the past has changed the future majorly"

Takemichi " what do you mean"

Naoto " it better for you to see

Takemichi " umm sure" Takemichi soon followed after naoto the two of them walked for a while and soon arrived at an hospital, she soon followed nato into the hospital they soon took the elevator onto a floor.

Takemichi " what are we doing here"

Nurse " hey how can I help you people"

Naoto " im here to see my sister hina and this is family friend as well"

Nurse " sir right away please come with me"soon Takemichi follow naoto into a room where she saw hina laying in bed attached to life support.

Naoto " my sister has been coma since the accidents she was with you during that day, you were telling her of your relationship with the guys ... then he came out of nowhere and ram the truck into the stand where you two were"

Takemichi " she going to wake up right she has to wake up right"

Naoto " we don't yet our parents have been visiting but that their age they cant deal with the stress of the matter, they are also worried about you because you are hurt in the attack as well ... you had broken a few bones and unconscious for few days"

Takemichi " did akkun do this dose this explain why no will talk about him"

Naoto " yes he did and when he was arrested he didn't say anything he still won't give his reason to this day"

Takemichi " why why did he do this anyways he was a friend of hina"

Naoto " I still don't know he won't tell me anything and he keeps on asking about you"

Takemichci " oh hina I'm so sorry I should of been a better friend I fail baji and now I have failed you"

Naoto " don't say that take-Chan you have done your best and hina wouldn't blame you before they placed her in coma, she was asking if you were okay but she didn't want to know her friend was dead"

Takemichi " thank you naoto but I have to go back in the past and fix up this messed up future and save, everyone I love"

Naoto " okay takemichci but please be careful there are new threats coming"

Takemichi " I know take care of yourself snd your sister naoto"

Naoto " I will" Takemichi had hugged naoto one last time and she was soon threw back into the past, she was sitting in some chair at an blowing alley she soon looked up and saw hakkai.

Hakkai " hey take-Chan it your turn"

Takemichi " oh I'm coming" Takemichci was wondering was what happing now yes she was friends with hakkai but she never hangout with him with just the two of them, there was always someone else there with them but hey it seemed like everything was going well for now.

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