Part 2: Seven years later...

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Seven years later...

"Faye! I can't find my white blouse!" shouted Skyla from across the room, her best friend just showed up at her room door, "Wait, I sent it to the laundry; down the building, I'll get it." "I don't have time! The interview is in a few," Skyla responded with frustration.

Skyla never had friends other than her sisters and Jax until she met Faye and James. All those days and nights spent sharing everything while working on their essays, watching movies until dawn, and making memories, were the happiest days Skyla had apart from her sisters.

Living with her two best friends since college saved her. It made her life, less lonely and helped her a lot to make Jax's absence more bearable. Deciding to continue living together after finishing college also enabled them to cope with every obstacle they faced. Together they are stronger, they support each other and it is always a lot of fun to be around each other all the time. The bond they have is unbreakable.

"Sky, don't worry baby girl, I'll drive you, you'll save so much time, "James said as he sat in the living room typing reports on his laptop. "You are an angel! Saving her and all," smirked Faye and replied sarcastically. "Shut up!" he said frowning.

Skyla's interview went very well, all five interviewers were staring at her in awe as she talked about her passion for fashion and how her dream after college was to dress idols, and spoke about the extra courses she took to improve herself more, the image and color consultancy course, styling consultancy workshop, and many more.

They were looking at her portfolio while she continued speaking passionately, and they noticed that despite her young age she had created a name for herself in the industry.

She shared some of her college projects and some other projects dressing idols in music videos and fashion shows.

Her eyes were glowing as she spoke, and she felt honored to be granted this interview and to be sitting in front of all those inspiring people in the music and fashion industry. And the fact that Faye recommended her made it easier for her to get that interview in this reputable entertainment company; as Faye had become a successful producer respected and adored by everyone.

Skyla's dreamy eyes and grin made everyone turn their heads. As she was leaving the agency one of the interviewers passed by winking at her and mouthing to her, "Great job." She grinned, tilted her head, made a small jump, and walked towards the main entrance. 

She was so happy, the reflection of her outfit in the mirrored door made her smile. She was glad she chose that outfit, the washed color blue jeans, the white blouse, the denim jacket, and the black combat boots, all came together with the accessories she was wearing and her black leather backpack. She, herself looked like an idol. 

When the main door opened, she put on her sunglasses and began walking toward the street to catch a cab. As she approached, she came to a halt as a black van with black tinted windows suddenly stopped in front of her. She took two steps back leaving room for the person getting out of the vehicle to step out. 

A tall guy with printed oversized sweatpants, an oversized hoodie, and an oversized bag. A glass skin, two ring earrings, a black wool headband, showing his red-dyed hair, and a mask covering his face, came out of the van. She recognized those eyes, that gaze, and all she could mutter was "Jax," in a very low voice, trembling. In a fraction of a second, all thoughts stormed Jax's head, "Skyla," the scent of the girl's skin, their fingers lightly touching while they were both walking in opposite directions, all the waves of emotions came back all at once. He shook his head and shook all those memories away, saying to himself, it is impossible, what fate would bring her here in front of him. 

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