Chapter 2 - Headbanging like two angry monkeys...

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As soon as James entered the house, he asked, "How are my favorite girls doing?"

Faye was seated on the floor with her back against the couch, working on her laptop, she raised her head and said, "Bring the beer, we'll get wasted tonight." "No," James responded, raising a brow, "party pooper!" Faye said, James rolled his eyes, and then he looked at Skyla, who was curling up on the couch, hugging her baby panda, putting her headphones on, not noticing him approaching." "How is she?" he whispered as he gazed at Faye.

"She's been like this since she got home," James frowned as he headed to his room to put his things away. Faye heard the door open and yelled, "James, food is here!"

Faye nudged Skyla softly, she opened her eyes and put her baby panda aside, and stretched her arms, "Faye smiled and told her, "let's eat and have some beer, James is here," Skyla pouted and said, "let's get wasted," "No," James yelled from across the room, and Faye yelled back, "Do I have to say it again?"

"Say what?" Skyla asked, and then Faye whispered in her ear, "Party pooper." Skyla giggled despite her noticeable sadness, then sighed and said, "What would I do without you, you two fools?"

They finished dinner and had some beers; Skyla drank a little more than her body could handle; she is a light drinker. She felt dizzy and excused herself to crash; Faye helped her get up and tucked her in bed. With Faye's care, Skyla remembered her sisters, Heaven most of all, and how she used to tuck her in bed. 

Faye was sobbing uncontrollably as she felt sad for her best friend. Everything is happening while she is away from her family, and Skyla's confession that no one knows about Jax except her sisters implied that they are the only ones who can help her get through this now, even though she hoped she could support her in any way she can.

"Everything will be okay, my Sky, I'll stand by you. I know I can't replace your sisters, but you have me," she said as she wrapped a blanket around her.

Skyla sobbed in bed, her fingers seeking something, and Faye immediately guessed, "The panda." Then she yelled, "James!" Please bring Sky's the baby panda."

He dashed into the room and handed her the panda, then told Faye, "Leave me with her for a moment." Faye nodded and said, "I'll go clean up the table and wait for you, let's watch a movie, you can stay up late, no work tomorrow, right?" "Yeah, I'll follow you in a minute, pick a movie," he said.

"Baby girl, do you want to talk?" James asked her gently. "It hurts," she whispered, "What hurts?" She wiped her tears with her sleeves, and pointed to her heart, James held her hand and squeezed, "Can we talk about all this tomorrow? Get some sleep, I promise tomorrow we'll find a solution for whatever is bothering and hurting you." She closed her eyes and murmured, "Umm yeah." 

James adjusted her blanket and checked the heating system to warm the room up a little more because she appeared to be cold. He switched off the light and lit the little lamp on the bedside table.


"Oh boy! My head!" Skyla's eyes slowly fluttered up, waking up with waves of nausea, "damn, my body isn't designed to deal with alcohol," she pressed her hand against her forehead, "When will it wear off, and how can I stop it!" She began to wiggle and stretch in her warm and cozy bed when she heard noises coming from the kitchen. 

She couldn't hear anything, since her hangover is taking over her whole body, so she clamped her eyes shut and struggled to get out of bed; all she could think was "water," her mouth was dry, and her body felt dehydrated. She rushed to the kitchen, where Faye and James were preparing breakfast. "Sky!" Faye exclaimed, "Let's have breakfast now that you're awake."

"Shush, hangovers are nasty," Skyla, said tiredly. Faye made a face and stuck her tongue out, then Skyla turned to James and said, "This smells great, I would've drooled over those pancakes if I wasn't about to puke." Faye exclaimed "Ewwww!"

James let out a small laugh and told her softly "Drink lots of water, and you'll be able to eat, you can't miss breakfast, and you're missing breakfasts a lot these days." "I'll try," she said with a smile.

"Skyla! Why do you speak nicely to James while you're rude to me," Faye asked solemnly? Then Skyla laughed and said, "It's a reaction to your actions," as she poured herself a glass of water and pressed the button of the coffee machine, "God's greatest gift to humanity is coffee," she said as she sat on the kitchen bar.

James placed three plates on the kitchen counter and then asked Sky, "Maple or Hershey's toppings?" "Maple, please, and definitely Hershey's for Faye," she replied as he chopped the strawberries for garnishing. He placed the plates in front of them and said, "Faye?" "Are you daydreaming?" "Hein? Oh, no! Remind me not to drink so much, next time" "As you listen to any word I say when you decide to get wasted!" he exclaimed, raising his brow.

"Yeah, right, anyway, can I have some hangover pills, please James?" "What am I, your servant Faye? Isn't feeding you breakfast in the morning enough? Just go get the pills! They're in the toilet cabinet."

"All right, all right!" She dragged herself to the restroom and returned with the pills. "Do you want from these pills?" she asked Skyla. "No, I'm okay; water and coffee are more than enough for me," she replied.

They spent the day at home, Skyla wandering from the bedroom to the couch in the living room, listening to music, then reading a book for a while, and having coffee every now and then. 

She was doing everything she could to avoid thinking about what had happened the day before, keeping herself away from social media, as she regretted what she had done while drunk the night before when she followed all the accounts that post about Jax's news and followed his account on top of that!"

"There is one thing I want to know, the story of this panda because I have a feeling there's a story behind it that is worth telling," James said as he stood up close to Skyla's face while she was curling up on the couch holding the baby panda.

"There is another story I have to share before I get to the one about this baby panda," she said as her eyes saddened.

"Anytime, baby girl," he stroked her hair, pulling his ears and saying, "I'm all ears!"

"Now, I feel like sharing," she said as she made herself comfortable on the couch and tapped the seat next to her inviting him to sit. Her spontaneous nature allowed her to share her feelings on the spot. "I can talk about how I feel." "Fair enough," he replied smiling.

" "Fair enough," he replied smiling

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