Part 2 - Seven years earlier...

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"That was the worst summer of my life..."

The hardest thing Skyla went through that summer, was waking up every day with no hope and no will to live. 

It's been three months since Jax left, and all she'd done was stay in her room, applying to colleges but not caring whether or not she would get in. She stopped reading her emails after a while, feeling as if she had been fading away, and then she stopped hoping for anything.

Skyla's love of fashion was obvious since she was a child; she use to pick and match her own outfits adjusting and layering and creating new styles by simply mixing and matching. Unlike other children who dress and undress their own dolls, she used to ask her mother to help her adjust the dolls' outfits, making them shorter or longer, adding more fabric, and exploring with creativity. Growing up she was attracted to Kpop idols and how they dress and always envisioned dressing them.

That's how she realized she didn't want to design clothes, but rather work as a fashion consultant. Before Jax left she had applied to fashion schools in the city, and she hoped with all her heart that she would be accepted. She left certain universities out until she determined that she truly wanted to go to the city despite the fact that she would be separated from her sisters; she had never been out of her hometown before. 

Jax always encouraged her and assured her by saying that they would apply to colleges that are close to one another so that they could live together. Jax was accepted first into a prestigious music academy to study music and dance in order to pursue his dream of becoming a K-pop artist.

"Skyla!" "Check your email, will you?" said Ayla from the other room. "It is already fall; are you going to rot in your room for the rest of your life or what?"

"Yes," Skyla replied wearily, after Ayla heard her react that way, she yelled "Are you an idiot? You have to go follow your dreams. Jax left! So what!"

"Hey!" Heaven said as she followed Ayla into the room. "Do you have to be that harsh?" Then she entered the room and sat next to Skyla, holding her hand, as Ayla said, "Yes because she needs to wake up! Because there is nothing she can do to change the situation, he has left; will she sit here and wait for him to return? He pursued his dreams; why is she abandoning hers because of him?"

Heaven raised her brow and gestured with her face for Ayla to leave the room, saying, "Don't you have anything to do? Go make dresses." "Whatever," Ayla murmured, lifting her shoulder.

Heaven took a deep breath and drew a smile on her face. "Let's check that email, and if there's any acceptance letter, we'll deal with it accordingly, you don't have to make any decision right away," she patted Skyla's hand. Heaven knew that if Skyla opened her inbox and saw an acceptance letter, she would regain hope because she knew her sister well.

Skyla opened her laptop and looked through her inbox one by one. She had not checked her emails since the summer. Meanwhile, Heaven was checking Instagram, occasionally looking at Skyla to see whether she had any reaction on her face, but she was devoid of emotion until she yelled and said, "I got in, I got in! Heaven! I made it!" "See, I told you!" Heaven said with a smile. Ayla appeared at the door once more, sarcastically saying, "Sky, why you are so excited? Didn't you just wish to rot in your room a little while ago?"

"Shut up!" Skyla said, Heaven, laughed out loud, and said to Ayla, "I knew she will give in, would you next time have some faith in her,"

"I use reverse psychology, you can pet her like a puppy, everyone has their own techniques," frowned Ayla while raising both brows.

Skyla hugged Heaven and thanked her, saying, "Thank you for always being there for me, and you, too, mean witch!" "Why, thank you for the compliment, if you thought calling me a mean witch was an insult, you don't know me at all," Ayla laughed.

Skyla stuck her tongue out and shrugged her shoulder, imitating her sister. "Whatever,"

That is how a chapter of her life ended and a new one began, and that is how she met Faye and James and got over her sorrows just by having them in her life. Even if she told them her story at a later stage, they always made her troubles go away. 


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