Part 2 - Theo

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Skyla looked around for Theo and tried to contact him on his cellphone, but he did not respond. She saw Kyle carrying several outfits and rushing to the dressing room; she asked him if he had seen Theo, and he told her that he had seen him enter the rehearsal room. As she approached the practice room, she spotted Theo asleep on the mattress. When Skyla entered, he tossed and twisted before seeing her standing over him.

"What's the matter, kiddo?" He stared at her with weary eyes, sat down on the mattress, and told her, "I want to quit." That's when she sat next to him because hearing him say that broke her heart. Theo has a great voice and is one of the most brilliant dancers, he has potential, and his joyous and adorable personality has won the hearts of so many fans even though he had only recently debuted.

"Do you know how many idols wanted to quit and then became the brightest stars because someone who loved them so much encouraged them not to?" And that's why I'm here today to urge you not to waste your talent, and because I know that's just a weak moment for you, and this isn't what you truly want to do." "I am exhausted," he said, "I want to live a regular life, get up and sleep whenever I want, eat whatever I want, visit my friends, and go to the movies like any other normal teenager." "You'll do that for a while, then what, throw your dream away for a few moments of fun?" Skyla said.

She paused and texted Jax, saying, "I need you in the rehearsal room, please come." Jax entered after a while; saw Skyla and Theo sitting on the floor. Jax sensed that something was wrong with Theo and said, "What's up buddy?" Skyla responded in his place, telling him of Theo's decision. "I miss my mother," Theo added.

That's when Theo opened up to them, telling them that his father had died when he was five, and he had to live with his abusive uncle since his mother and he had nowhere else to go.

He shared his concern about how he had no idea how his uncle was treating his mother or how she was doing. He told them that every time he called his mother, she lied and assured him that she was doing fine. Here, Jax began telling Theo how many times he wished he could quit and return to his hometown, and even went to say, "You know I left Skyla behind to pursue my dreams, and I wished so many times to go back and stay where she is and do nothing but be by her side? Then I realized that if I had done that back then, neither she nor I would have benefited. And the fact that I didn't give up brought me back to her." Jax looked over at Skyla and saw her tears running down her face like rivers.

He grabbed her hand in his and said, "We're OK now, Sky, don't cry." "You shouldn't give up, you should succeed for your mom, to go back home and set her free, because if you go back now without accomplishing your dream, you will go back and dwell in that shit forever, and you won't be able to help your mother."

Theo was sobbing but keenly listening to Jax, and it was clear that both Skyla and Jax had changed his mind and helped him in deciding to not quit. "Hey, you two cry-babies," Jax said, looking at Skyla and Theo, "go wash your faces both of you and let's have lunch." "What if somebody sees us together?" Skyla interrupted. "Don't worry, Theo is with us; I'll meet you both in the parking lot; just don't be late." They both headed to the restrooms and then parted ways, Skyla to her office to grab her backpack and Theo to get his sunglasses and facemask since it was best not to risk being recognized. Theo and Skyla met in the elevator and headed down to the parking lot to meet Jax. They went to that noodle shop that seemed to be everyone's favorite, not just Faye's.

They had a good time eating, chatting, and laughing, and Theo felt much better when Skyla and Jax talked to him; he had regained his smile, and Skyla was delighted to see him a bit more relaxed. "How is my favorite boy now?" she asked, looking at Theo. He grinned and grabbed Skyla's hand, saying, "Better!" Jax cut them off, removed Theo's hand from hers, and said, "Woah! Hands off, she's mine, nobody touches my girl!" Theo continued to tease, "I'm her favorite boy." "Hey, don't tease my man!" Skyla said to Theo, tenderly smiling at Jax.

They finished lunch and returned to the agency, where Skyla spent the rest of the day working on the mood board for one of the music videos she was assigned to work on. She was so caught up in her work that she forgot the time when Faye knocked at her office door to take her home with her.

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