Chapter 9 - The days that passed without you.

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"Skyla, Stop being dramatic, it's only a month, one month! You're no longer a teenager, and Jax is just touring with the band; he's not leaving this time; you've survived seven years just fine without him!" She tried to quiet her mind by looking at the ceiling, sighed, and then her thoughts stormed back in, "I'm going to miss you, Jax!" She shifted herself in bed, checked the time on her phone, and exhaled with relief that she still had two hours to get ready for work. She promised Jax that she would call him as soon as she woke up right before he was supposed to be boarding the plane with Ben and the boys. Then she frowned when she remembered the difference in timing and how difficult it would be because when he would be waking up she would be telling him goodnight instead of keeping in touch with him during the days. "Skyla! Stop, stop, it! He will be working anyway!" Then again, she reminded herself, "It's just a month, Skyla."

She was relieved that she had gotten up two hours early so she could get ready without stress; she decided to call Jax in the car while driving with Faye to work. Then she realized she was wasting her time by lying in bed and staring at the ceiling. She washed quickly, grabbed an energy bar, and drank her coffee while waiting for Faye to get ready. Skyla gazed at James and told him, "You look horrible!" as he entered the kitchen, yawning and clearly not getting enough sleep. "Well, thank you, baby girl," he chuckled, "but honestly, you're still handsome as hell, but seriously though, you're working so hard, you're so committed, how about you marry your work!" "No thank you," he laughed, "I'd marry your sister instead." She looked at his face again as he sat next to her; at first, she didn't understand what he said, but then she realized, "Wait what! "Which sister?!" James' cheeks turned red which was quite a shock as he had never been intimidated before. "Ayla. I want to get to know her." "Ayla!" she screamed, "Who would want to marry that cold ice queen?" "Oh!" she said after a brief pause. I forgot you are British!" "Why are you insisting on insulting me this morning?" he laughed. "I didn't mean to, you're my best friend!" she nudged him. "And honestly, why don't you change your mind? You have the option of choosing Heaven." She kept teasing him, and then she said, "It's not that I have an issue with the age difference, but you're ten years younger than her!" "Wait, did you just say?" he asked, surprised. "Oh, my sisters look so young! You mind that she's older than you? Now you've disappointed me!" she teased him, "NO! Not at all, but maybe she would." He frowned then told her, "you should support me instead of putting me down, you mean best friend!" "I can't promise you anything, she's the most difficult person I know," she giggled, adding, "change your mind, pick Heaven." He was about to reach for her to squeeze her face when she moved backward, "I need to get ready, we'll talk at night when I get back home, I promise," she said.

"Faye! I'm ready," Skyla, said as she knocked on Faye's bedroom door, "I'm coming," Faye said. Skyla was pouting in the lift when Faye nudged her and asked, "What sponsors this awful mood of yours today?" "I got used to seeing him around every day, and now he'll be gone for a month," Skyla explained. Faye scolded her saying, "It's only a month, bitch!"

They drove to work together. Skyla was silently resting her head on the windshield, gazing out the window at the passing cars. Millions of thoughts were racing through her mind, "Sky? We still have a bit of time, want to grab a coffee on our way?" Faye asked, breaking the silence. "Uh-huh," Skyla said. Then she pulled her smartphone from her backpack and dialed Jax's number. They spoke, and Ben began yelling at the boys to gather so they could board. He told Skyla, "I love you," and then hung up before she could respond. She sighed loudly and glanced at her phone, speechless, with her mouth wide open, then Faye said, "What the heck is wrong with you? Are you going nuts? And are we going to have to put up with your craziness for one month?" Skyla did not respond at first, instead of curling up on herself, hiding her face between her hands, and mumbling, "He said I love you." "What!" exclaimed Faye? Skyla then giggled and repeated, "He said, I love you." Faye snorted and exclaimed, "Oh, dear lord!"

My Faraway Star | Book #1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu