Chapter 20 - We cannot have it both ways, they say.

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"We need to talk." Luna texted Ace, who responded by saying they'd meet for lunch once he finished rehearsal and asking if she was ok. Luna just answered that she will meet him in the coffee shop behind the Agency. Ace stood on the windowpane facing the street after putting the phone down, puzzled by what Luna had said; he had never sent a plain text like this before, so something must be wrong. He turned around, switched on the music, and began rehearsing after shaking his head to clear his mind of the bad thoughts.

Ace completed the rehearsal, showered, and dressed, expecting a text from Luna as soon as she reached at the coffee shop. Ace was pacing back and forth in the rehearsal room, headphones on, occasionally kicking the floor, when Jax walked by and noticed him wandering aimlessly like a lost puppy. "What's wrong, bro?" Jax asked, abruptly removing Ace's headphones. Ace told him, "I think something is wrong with Luna," with a troubled expression on his face. Ace told him about her text. Jax reassured him that there was no reason to feel that way; Luna must be in a hurry to send such a message, and he reminded him that all they had gone through had strengthened and deepened their bond, and he told him not to worry too much because everything would be ok. Ace thanked Jax for always being the voice of reason in his head and while talking to Jax about the new songs and their schedule, Luna texted him that she is in the coffee shop waiting for him.

Ace put on his facemask and sunglasses and headed downstairs to the coffee shop, his heart ached, as if something terrible was about to happen. He walked into the coffee shop, which was a little crowded, but he went straight to a quiet corner where he always sits with Luna, and she was already there; she had ordered a French vanilla iced coffee for him, and he smiled as he remembered how she used to tease him for drinking coffee with flavors. He sat across from her at a two-person table, a red velvet cupcake in front of her; he took a bite without asking her, and she did not even smile. Luna used to yell at him if he touched her plate or the sweet she was eating; she used to tell him she could share everything with him except her food. Ace became more concerned at this point since Luna was a shy girl who rarely spoke or shared her feelings; at the same time, she was always gentle and smiling, even if the entire world was trembling beneath her feet.

Ace's smile faded as he waited for Luna to begin speaking. She was staring at his face, but he felt like she was not seeing him at all; she was immersed in her thoughts, and it appeared that she hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. Then he recalled they had not spoken the day before; she was meant to be at home, but Ace was so preoccupied with rehearsals, interviews, and meetings at the agency.

"Ace?" Luna said after taking a long breath. "The agency contacted me and said they wanted me to make a comeback." "That's awesome baby, great news!" he said with a smile. "What's the matter with your frown? Aren't you happy?"

"I am, but in order to make this return, I must give up something." Luna said. He was sipping his coffee when he stopped abruptly and raised his head, gaze fixed on her, waiting for her to continue to speak. He already knew what she was going to say, that the only thing she should give up is them, their love, and their entire relationship.

Ace would never stand in her way, would never tell her to stay, because Luna has a dream, and her dream is similar to his, as well as Jax and Theo's, so how could he be unfair and tell her not to give up on their love? After that uneasy silence, Ace chose to break it by telling her, "I understand, and I will never stand in your way, Luna. I wish you the best of luck; please stay healthy, don't skip meals, and I hope you achieve all of your dreams, which I know you will because I believe in you."

Ace had never seen Luna's face that cold, expressionless, and she told him, "Goodbye Ace," without even blinking. When she got out of the chair and he was going to get up as well, she put her hand on his shoulder and said, "Don't show me off." "At the very least, can I hug you?" He asked. "No, you know how much I hate goodbyes," she answered. She turned around and walked away, as if no one was there, as if the man sitting alone in that chair was not the love of her life, as if Ace was a stranger.

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