Chapter 14 - He is mine! When the world would know?

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"Isn't she the idol who claimed in the media last year that she secretly dated Jackson and the Agency denied the news?" Said one employee girl to another in the kitchen. Skyla was getting an energy bar and a bottle of water⁰; she took a deep breath and glanced through the glass. To see a stunning tall girl dressed in short denim shorts, a cropped blouse, and a denim jacket, holding a sunglass in one hand and a big trendy designer bag in the other; strolling smoothly in high heels as if on a catwalk.
Skyla dashed out of the kitchen, oblivious to the rest of the story. "I wasn't in his life a year ago, and I'm not entitled to hold him personally responsible for anything he did while I was gone." She walked inside her office and gazed out the large window at the city; it was a gloomy day, and everything seemed depressing, even her emotions. She was furious with herself, thinking to herself, "Can you tell me why I'm jealous right now? I trust him, I believe in our love, and I know nothing and no one can stand in our way, but why? Why am I in such a terrible mood?"
Skyla's life revolved around her sisters, Faye and James, she didn't make new friends, she built high walls, she never let a guy approach her, she was never in a relationship, and she never meant to open up to anyone. She only had one aim: to become an image consultant, to leave her hometown. She was thinking to herself that she had made the decision not to fall in love again, to forget Jackson. For seven years, she had no idea what Jackson was up to, whom he was dating, what he was going through, how he found his father. They never talked about the past because they did not have the time. Luna and Ace both told her that all he spoke about was Skyla, so she knows he did not forget about her. She also realized that Jax could not possibly be lying or faking anything. She knows Jax by heart; even after seven years, he is still the same kind, gentle, and honest boy that she always knew. Regardless of this, she is jealous of every girl he encountered, every girl he kissed or hugged, despite the fact that she knows that no one can compare to her because she is his first love, the only girl he truly loves.
She was still staring out the window, lost in thought, when Kyle barged into the office, seeking Skyla's help. "Angel, we need you in the studio right now because we're filming a commercial. We're in desperate need of your miraculous touch." "I'll follow you, give me a minute," Skyla said as she turned to face him and smiled. "You always save us, truly an angel." he said, making a heart sign with his hands.
She sipped from her water bottle and realized she hadn't touched the energy bar, so she bit into it. She had not eaten anything since the morning, and she had skipped breakfast as she always did, and James had left in a rush this morning and had not prepared anything, he even finished his coffee quickly before leaving home to work.
She didn't want to keep them waiting in the studio, so she went out of her way to help them. When she got into the room, everyone was rushing around, picking out outfits, and she noticed several unfamiliar faces. Then, she approached Kyle and asked him how she could help them, as well as information about the commercial. He guided her through everything and showed her the mood board. Her feet trembled as she stepped into the dressing room to help the team, and when she saw the idol she had seen earlier in the day in front of her, she was pressing her hand against Jax's arm. "Calm down, Skyla; this is Jax, your Jax. Don't go there with your thoughts." she urged herself as she held her tears back. "You know your man, and you know he'll never do anything to hurt you." "Hey angel," Kyle said, Skyla took a deep breath and stepped closer to him. "Stop flirting with her," Jax said, turning around and smacking Kyle across the head. Skyla's eyes widen, as if pleading for him to stop. She wondered how he could be so obvious; he is not concerned that Kyle would realize that Jax and her were dating? She kept herself occupied with the models, and she felt relieved that she did not have to dress the girl or Jackson since she is unable to control her emotions now, and everything could be seen in her eyes.
She had completed her part of the job and she was about to storm out of the studio when Jax called her name. She was mumbling to herself as Jax approached her. "Jax, please not now, please! Please don't ask me any questions; I'm afraid I won't be able to answer them." He stood in front of her, staring at her, and she stood there looking back at him, a million questions flashing through her mind, but she knew it was not the right time. When they leave the agency tonight, she will ask him everything. He held her hand; she slid it quickly, and told him, "Jax, did you lose your mind! What if anyone sees us?" "I don't give a shit!" he said, frowning. "Why are you avoiding me, why aren't you smiling at me, why is your face sad and gloomy, as if you're carrying the entire world on your shoulders?" "Jax, I'm fine," she said empathically, "we'll talk tonight, you have a shoot, please go." "No!" He said with his eyes fixed on her, as if he would not move until he was certain she was okay. "I'll be fine." she assured him, "they'll start shooting shortly, and I'll be waiting for you to have dinner and speak, and we'll watch a movie, and I'll fall asleep in the middle of it like I always do and you'll have to carry me to bed, and I'll snuggle up between your arms." She wanted him to be at ease, smile, and shoot while his mind was on his work and not on her. She stroked his arm and said, "Go, my love, we'll be fine." She winked at him. She walked away towards her office, intending to complete the remaining work for the day, as well as respond to some email, before stopping for the day and heading to wait for Jax at home. She wants to know everything, and she has missed him; she barely saw him, it has been a couple of busy days at work, with the new year approaching and things to finish up.
Faye knocked on Skyla's office door, which was half-closed, but Sk0yla did not answer, so Faye opened it and saw Skyla sleeping soundly on her office desk. It was already four o'clock, and they should be on their way home. She approached Skyla and gently caressed her shoulder to wake her up without startling her. "OMG for how long have I been sleeping?" Skyla muttered as she raised her head, her eyes half closed. "I don't know missy," Faye said, "but its 4 p.m. and we should probably go home." I'm exhausted and hungry!" "You're always hungry!" Skyla exclaimed, giggling. "Shut up!" Faye said, making a frown.
Skyla cleared her desk, organized her scattered belongings, grabbed her backpack, phone, and sunglasses, closed her office, and followed Faye down the hallway.
When Ben passed by them, he winked at Faye and said: "Call me!" She frowned and replied: "NO!" He winked at her and said, "See you around, beautiful!" She didn't respond, and Skyla pointed at both of them and asked Faye: "What's with you too?" "Nothing, I hate him." Faye answered. "Yeah, right!" Skyla exclaimed with a laugh. "YOU!" Faye said, making a face and pointing her finger in front of Skyla's face as if she was threatening her.
They reached home to find James already there, and they all cooked supper together. They sat in the living room, James working on his laptop and Faye scrolling through her phone on the beanbag in the corner. Skyla was reading a book and listening to music on the couch, trying her hardest to speed up time so that she could see Jax.
It was 12 a.m. already. James headed to his room, knowing that he would have a busy day the next day. Faye approached Skyla, who was falling asleep on the couch with the book between her arms, and tried to wake her up by saying, "Go sleep in your room," to which Skyla answered, "NO, Jax is coming!" in a sleepy voice. "Where are you?" Faye exclaimed as she grabbed up her phone and dialed Jax's number. "Should I force your girl to go to bed or are you coming? She is sleeping on the couch waiting for you." "Open the front door!" he said, chuckling, "and yeah, hello to you too, Faye!" "Oh, hello," she said as she hung up the phone, anf opened the door.
"Thank you!" Jax said as he entered the room, kissing Faye on the cheek. "For taking care of my girl when I'm not with her," he replied, as she wondered why he was thanking her. "You're welcome, our idol." she murmured, tilting her head and winking at him. "I'll leave her to you, take her to bed." Jax kissed Skyla on the forehead and crouched in front of the couch to wake her up. She was so soundly sleeping that she did not even move, and her breathing was even. He took her book from her grip and carried her to her bed. Whenever she felt herself lifted in his arms, she opened her eyes and buried her face in his neck, her arms tightly around him.
"I missed you," Skyla said, "why are you late?" "We finished the shooting late, then the CEO invited us all to dinner," he said. She scowled and was about to ask if that girl joined them, when he sensed her sadness he said, "Ben, the guys, CEO, and me. Only us baby!" She smiled discreetly, but he noticed her and stroked her hair. "I love you, and I know you have a lot of questions, so if you aren't tired, I'll be here tonight to answer them all." Nevertheless, if you are tired, you'll sleep in my arms tonight and we can discuss it tomorrow."
"Skyla?" he asked as he slipped into bed next to her and hugged her in his arms. "I don't want you to be concerned about anything or anyone, because I have the most beautiful girl in the world with me, my princess, and my all, my first and last love. No girl can turn my head to look at her, and no girl has ever taken your place. Do you hear me? I waited seven years for you to comeback, seven lonely years knowing that one day I would find you again." And now do you want me to explain what happened with that girl?" he asked after a little pause. "We were never serious. I never promised her anything." he said." There was a mutual agreement that it was just a hook up, we went on a few dates and that's it. When I realized what I was doing was wrong, I didn't want this anymore." He came to a halt to observe her facial expressions, to check if she was upset or crying, but she appeared to be in good mood and was merely listening to him. "I want to focus on my music and becoming the man that my Sky would take back when I find her again," he continued. "I understand everything now, I believe you, I trust you, I just needed to hear everything from you, a part of me needed to hear you say all those beautiful words about me, about us, you don't have to continue." He smiled and hugged her even tighter, saying: "I know, but you may have read in the old tabloids that she said we dated and I broke her heart, it wasn't true. Sky, I just told her that this isn't working, that even if we were having a good time, I didn't want that anymore, and that whatever we were doing was leading nowhere. She told the press all of the lies that you could one day read about." "I won't believe a word I read, because I know you and only want to hear what you say."
He let out a sigh of relief and told her, "You may go back to sleep now; I'll never leave; you'll sleep in my arms until the rising sun."

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