Chapter 8 - Our passion led us to one another.

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"walking into the agency and seeing Jax makes everything seem different today. I am not sure how I am going to hide the love in my eyes from now on. The world will notice my love for him; this will be the hardest thing I have ever done, coming up and looking at him as though he is a stranger as if he is an idol who is out of reach while the day before, I awoke in his arms," she thought.

"Sky? Sky? Sky!" Faye suddenly yelled as she walked down a hallway to their offices. "What! What!" "Seriously, how many times do I have to call your name,? And I am standing right beside you. what's wrong now?" said Faye as she raised her brow. Skyla then shared with her what she was thinking.

"As I always tell you, I never lied to you, so I won't lie to you now," Faye said, touching both Sky's shoulders. "Just please don't act like an idiot when you see him, act normal and nothing will happen, and inside the agency you and Jax are colleagues, and when you go outside the agency, do whatever the hell you want. Don't ruin that beautiful thing you have by not paying attention to this. I know what you're thinking right now, and I understand how difficult it is, but for the time being, it is what it is until you and Jax can expose your relationship without losing all that you've worked so hard for, and being selfish now would not only ruin you alone, but it will also ruin the boys, Ben, and the agency."

Skyla listened carefully to what Faye said before responding, "Thank you for being the voice of reason in my thoughts now," she said. "What would you do without me," Faye said with a smile, while waving at her, and added, "See you at lunch."

Skyla's morning was packed with trainees returning to the agency after spending so many days away at training camps and outdoor shoots. She met with each of them, and the management assigned her to several projects on which she is now officially working. She's so excited about everything going on in her life right now that she hasn't had time to ponder how she'll handle her relationship with Jax at the agency. She walked to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee after getting the boys ready for their next shoot. As she began walking, she noticed the dance studio where she usually sees Jax dancing, was vacant, which saddened her because she already missed him, and seeing his face in the midst of her hectic day would be so lovely.

Her expression was saddened while she continued walking until she reached the main meeting room and saw Jax, the boys, and Ben with the production crew and some people from the management. She paused for a moment to look at Jax's face, and he looked back, smiled discreetly at her, and then lowered his head.

She sat at the kitchen table with a happy face, a cup of coffee in her hands, daydreaming about his smile.

Meanwhile, in the meeting room...

Everyone in the room is discussing the new music video that the band will shoot next. Jax has not stopped smiling since he saw Skyla, then he took his phone out of his pocket and texted her.

"Enjoying your coffee without me :("

"Nope, no fun without you,"

"That's my girl :D"

Ben simply kicked the chair beneath Jax's feet and gave him a glare when he saw him smiling like an idiot while staring at his phone. Jax smiled innocently and returned his attention to the meeting. Yet, he could not keep Skyla out of his head. He couldn't wait for the meeting to end so he could run out to see her. As they finished the meeting, Jax jumped up hastily and was ready to dash out the door when Ben yelled, "Jax!" Ben frowned and added, "Behave," as Jax turned to him and grinned innocently, and answered with a shrug "Yes sir!"


He rushed to the kitchen, hoping Skyla was still there, and she was, with a portfolio in hand and a cup of coffee. Jax stepped closer and whispered, "Hey, love," in her ear." She blushed and exclaimed, "Jax!" Jax moved closer and said, "I know, I know," he said as he took a step back. "Refill?" he asked as he noticed her cup was empty. "Yes, please," she said with a smile. Jax gave her the refilled cup of coffee, took a sip of his, and said, "How was your day so far?" she replied, "Good, it was a busy morning, but I'm okay, I am loving everything about this job, I am finally realizing my dream," He joked, "Oh! I thought I am your dream coming true," she giggled and replied, "That too," he squeezed her hand that was resting on the counter and removed it quickly, saying, "This is going to be hard, too hard." "Patience Jax! I believe in us." "I do too, my Sky."

She stood up and told him, "I have to go check on the boys, and I also have to check on Theo, I saw him this morning and I think he's not doing well," "I am jealous now," he grinned, then added, "I'm kidding, what's going on with him?" Skyla, replied, "I suppose he's exhausted, but I assume fame doesn't come without a price," Jax frowned and he said, "Indeed, go! Don't be late, I'll see you around."

Skyla left the kitchen, and Jax's gaze followed her until she disappeared. He stayed to finish his cup of coffee and think about what would be next, hoping that the place would remain as calm as it was now; he craved silence.

"I know it's too soon to be worried about what I'll do next, but now my life is for two, not just myself, I waited for her without even knowing, I failed in dating every girl after her, they all said I'd forget her, that I was too young to really comprehend love," he thought to himself. "Since I was 18, I'd known it was Skyla, and I'd always known deep down that it wouldn't work with anybody else but her. Now that I have found her again, I am not going to let her go, and everything I have done in those seven years has brought me to her, even though we both walked alone at first, we both followed our passions, and those passions led us to one other. I will fight for us no matter what, and I will not let us give up on our dreams; we will have it all, and I will make sure that we have it all; we will walk together from now on, and we will build our empire together."

My Faraway Star | Book #1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora