Chapter 6 - It was just a normal day.

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"Weekends are overrated," Skyla said when she woke up, looking at her watch and saying, "What am I a human alarm?" it was 6:30 a.m. as if she was waking up to go to work, she tried to go back to sleep but couldn't because her body had adjusted to waking up this early. She dragged herself out of bed and into the kitchen. "Are you crazy?" Faye asked, and continued "I have to be on set with the boys, I had to wake up this early, you, go back to bed! It's the weekend!" "I can't," Skyla said, miserably pouting her lips.

She had her coffee with Faye, then Faye dressed for work; James was still sleeping, so she looked around and asked, "Now what?" Up untold recently Skyla enjoyed her weekends, but ever since she started working they've become uninteresting because she does not see Jax.

She put the dishes in the dishwasher, two toasts in the toaster, made herself a butter and jam sandwich, sat on the couch, put on her headphones, and lost herself in the novel in her hands.

The day passed so slowly that it seemed like the clock was not even ticking; James woke up around nine, "morning, baby girl," she raised her head and muttered, "Ugh! Finally!" "Bored?" he joked, looking at her sleepily. "What's the problem, you're never bored, since when you have nothing to do?" She groaned and said, "I started hating the weekends," to which he replied, "understandable."

"Let's have breakfast. I'll cook something delicious, get your lazy ass off that couch," James said as she tossed and turned, "I had a jam and butter sandwich," "That's not a breakfast, get up now!" They walked into the kitchen, where Skyla was checking her phone, James was making pancakes with bacon and eggs, and Skyla said, "I'll place the plates, do you want coffee or juice?" "Coffee, please," James said. They had their breakfast while Skyla told James about the previous day and what had happened with Jax. He was listening to her and smiling, she looked like a happy kid, he had never seen her like this, he always felt that something was missing, and now her eyes are glowing, everything about her seems different.

"How was she suffering all alone for seven years, I wish she told us so we could be with her, through all that, at least she's happy now," he thought. He sipped his coffee, shook his head, and thought again, "but let's face it, it's not going to be easy, the guy is an idol, and I don't want her to suffer after finding happiness, anyhow, we're here with her now, she's happy, that's what important, we'll deal with rest when the time comes,"

Skyla knocked on the kitchen counter, "Hey, you spaced out, what's wrong?" He said, "Nothing," he lied because he didn't want her to worry, "I'm just thinking about what we could do since we both have free time now," Skyla clapped her hands, "let's go to the park and have a walk, the weather seems so beautiful today." "That sounds like a good plan, and we can eat out as well," James responded. Skyla had a nice time, it kept her mind off what was going on with her, and she felt that if she sat around, her head would have exploded. Spending the day with James was a nice idea after all; they had not gone out like this in a long time.

When they arrived at their apartment, James exclaimed, "Bummer!" We should have done some grocery shopping. The fridge is empty, and Faye said she wanted to cook for us tonight" "Wait, what! Faye is cooking," he chuckled and said "Yeah, had the same feeling, but she insisted, do you want to go with me?" she smiled and replied excitedly, "Yes, I love grocery shopping, and you know that."

When they returned home and placed the groceries in the fridge and cabinets, Skyla received a text that said:

"Put something lovely on you, I'm cooking for you, so you need to show me some respect and look nice,"

"Do you think she's okay? I am the one who should be losing her mind now," Skyla asked, showing James Faye's text. "Let her be, she's in a good mood, let's do whatever she wants today," he laughed out loud, "Okay, whatever," Skyla huffed, "I'll go check what I should wear for her small house party of three." 

She went to her room and put on a gorgeous burgundy short casual dress printed with small flowers and a black cardigan, tying her hair up in a ponytail. She fixed the necklace around her neck, held the heart magnet in her palm, and it was out of habit that she does that, for seven years so she could feel him beside her.

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