Part 2 - 9 p.m.

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9 p.m.

"Is this day going to end already?" Skyla groaned as she peered at her phone checking the time. Everyone was still working hard to finish the day. Skyla still needed to work on one of her projects, but because she had an early delivery the next day, she shook her head and said, "I'll take them home with me, I need a decent shower and a proper meal to function tonight." She went to her office, took her laptop, gathered her belongings, and when she was finally ready to leave, she ran to the set to inform Jax that she was leaving and that she would be waiting for him at home.

She placed her stuff on the table when she noticed Jax putting his palm on his forehead, squeezing his eyes, he was trying to reach for something to lean on; she was running towards him when she noticed this, but before she could reach him, Jax collapsed on the floor and fainted. Skyla dropped down on her knees in front of him as everyone in the room crowded around to check on him, she was shivering and saying, "Please call an ambulance!" When Faye arrived on set, she immediately called Ben.

Skyla did not leave Jax's side as they waited for the ambulance and Ben. When Jax opened his eyes after about a minute, he was confused and afraid, trembling, his face was pale, and he sweating on his forehead. When he glanced up and saw Skyla's face, he sighed in relief. Faye handed Skyla tissues to wipe the sweat and told everyone, "Please move back, allow him room to breathe, he's okay, he's awake,"

Skyla tried her hardest to stay grounded, because if she broke down now, who would look after Jax? When the ambulance arrived, she was getting ready to go with Jax when Ben interjected, saying, "Skyla, I will take it from here, please go home, and I will update you on his condition." "No!" she exclaimed, and Jax tightened his grip on her hand as if telling her not to leave him. Skyla's eyes were burning with tears, "I won't, I'm keeping every promise we made, I will never leave your side." Ben was going to say something when Faye stepped in front of him and said, "Heartless!" "Excuse me!" he said. She told him, "Let her leave with him, and you can find a way to avoid a scandal," and he stared at her coldly, then realized that now is not the time to argue; Jax's health is the most important thing, and he needs to focus on keeping this incident out of the press now.

"You, come with me, part of being in this mess is on you since you convinced me somehow to leave them together. Let's fix this mess before anything happens," he told Faye. "Yes, sir!" she replied. He looked at her trying to suppress a laugh and she said "Oh, I didn't think you knew how to laugh." And paused before adding, "Thank you for doing that to Sky and Jax."

"How can I refuse while you're acting like a wild cat about to scratch my face?" he complained. She made a sad expression and said, "I was more like a sad puppy," he shook his head and opened the door for her, and said, "Hop in." He bent inside the car to buckle her seat belt, and their faces became uncomfortably close, causing her heart to skip a beat. She thought to herself, "Damn, he's so hot, Faye, you moron, wake up, wake up!" They both realized they were staring at each other too closely, so he stepped back, locked the car door, and took the driver's seat.

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