Part 3 - This very day...

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Skyla was curled up on her favorite couch in the living room, still waiting for that phone call, when she thought to herself, "If you wait like this, time will never move, not even a little bit," so she jumped and went to her bedroom to get her headphones, she decided to listen to some music and distract herself. She opened an old playlist of songs and hit the play button randomly, and the songs began to shuffle; one after another, songs that reminded her of home, her sisters, and even Jax. Even though listening to this playlist would reopen all the wounds, she chose to listen to it because it was time to stop running away, and she would have to deal with Jax in the future, so she could not be a coward and had to face every emotion.

Her eyes teared up as soon as a specific song began to play, and as she heard those words...

"And I want to tell you everything

the words I never got to say the first time around and I remember everything
from when we were the children playing in this fairground
Wish I was there with you now

If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you

Drive highways and byways to be there with you over and over the only truth is Everything comes back to you."

And all the memories came flooding back at once; she remembered the night they had their first and last dance to that song, the night they said the first I love you, the night they promised each other that they would make their dreams come true and that they would be standing next to each other when it happened. "Why, Goddammit Skyla?" She sighed, closed her eyes, stopped the song, shook her head, and pondered, "Is this what you call not running away?" She abruptly removed her headphones and rushed to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water; she returned to the couch but did not switch the music back on; she sat there staring at the ceiling. Suddenly, her phone rang, and she jumped up and straightened herself on the couch, gathering herself and answering, "Hello, is this Skyla?" The sound came from the other end of the line, and Skyla replied, "Yes, it's her," the girl said, "Congratulations, and welcome on board, and sorry for the short notice, but when can you start?" Skyla got off the couch and exclaimed, "right away," to which the girl replied while giggling, "Perfect, see you on Wednesday, I'll give you a day to get ready and join us, please ask for the human resources department and come see me, my name is Lynn."

She hung up the phone and grabbed the baby panda in her hands, squeezed it, and murmured softly, "See, we got in, let's call Heaven and Ayla."

She contacted Heaven first, she was with Ayla, so she said, "Hold on, I'll put you on speaker, we're together, tell us everything!" Skyla then began telling them, "I got the job!" her sisters screamed in enthusiasm. Skyla interrupted them "Hold on!" she exclaimed. "There's even more! I saw Jax!"

Both Ayla and Heaven began speaking at the same time! "Shush, quiet, do you want to hear the news?" Skyla replied. They remained silent as she said, "He's an artist in the agency I'll be working with, I might see him almost every day, and I might dress him as well." Heaven cut her off and asked, "Now tell us, did you talk?" "What, no!" Skyla exclaimed, "He didn't even recognize me." "Are you kidding me now?" Ayla blurts. "Ayla, it's been almost 7 years!" Heaven exclaimed. "Yeah, so what, Skyla recognized him!" Ayla replied. "Boys don't change!" Heaven exclaimed, then added, "Did you notice how much Skyla has changed?"

Skyla, suppressing a laugh, shook her head as she listened to her sisters, "You never change! I miss you, come visit soon," she said. They ended their talk, and the sisters agreed to pay her a visit soon.

She heard the door open, Faye returned from work, and Skyla rushed to the door, jumping and telling her, "I got the job, I got the job," Faye chuckled and replied, "I know, Lynn told me, I didn't have any doubt baby. As of Wednesday we start going to work together." Skyla hugged her and told her, "Thank you for everything!" "Shush, shush, don't mention it," Faye replied, as she pushed her away, "Food, now!" Skyla laughed and told her, "Let's call James and see if he's coming, and then we order."

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