Chapter 4 - When the first snow fell.

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You know that feeling you have when you are about to go on a school trip? That is how Skyla felt when she woke up, butterflies hovering in her stomach and a smile on her face, "Skyla! Now the real fun begins! You give it your all; this is the first step towards realizing your goals! Fighting!"

She went to the kitchen to make coffee, James was preparing breakfast, and Faye was setting the plates, as usual, "Guys!" exclaimed Skyla. "You always do this; what would I do to make up for all the wonderful mornings you have given me over the past seven years? If it wasn't for you, I would've skipped all three meals," she poured coffee for everyone and began eating the delicious omelets that James had prepared. "Skyla, we should be ready in 30 minutes, we'll arrive a little early, but I prefer arriving early rather than getting stuck in the horrible morning traffic jam," Faye stated. "I'll be ready in no time!" Skyla exclaimed with excitement. Faye replied, "Yeah, that's the spirit baby!"

When they arrived at the parking lot to get into the car, Skyla was overjoyed and relaxed, she always hated public transportation, and being around too many people frustrated her. But she was specifically happy because she would be riding to work with her best friend every day. 

They reached the building, Skyla was experiencing millions of emotions all at once, "Hey, you're shaking! Breathe, everything will be okay, everyone is kind here, you've met some of them, and I promise when you see Jax nothing bad will happen. The worst thing is you won't talk to each other." Skyla's eyes widen and she let out a little laugh, "Bitch!" Faye giggled and told her, "I'm kidding; I believe Jax is the same boy you knew; you should see how he treats everyone here, he's the nicest." Skyla groaned in response, "Like this is going to make me feel any better," she shed a tear, and when Faye saw her tears, she shook her and yelled, "Hey, you're going to ruin your make-up! First impressions are so important," she reminded her, grabbing her hand and saying, "Let's go!" They walked down the hallway, all eyes on Skyla, and they all smiled and greeted her. They hardly ever hire new employees; the only unfamiliar faces you will see in the agency are those of the new trainees. After seeing all those friendly faces, she finally felt a little more at ease.

"Faye! Which one?" An eighteen-year-old boy with the most angelic face, white skin with freckles, a face that broke all beauty standards in the K-pop industry, cute doe eyes, and messy black hair, ran up to Faye to take her opinion. "Theo, that's your image consultant," she pointed at Skyla, "Ask her, and stop annoying me from now on!" She pushed him towards Skyla, and he looked at her and muttered, "Oh! You're stunning." He examined her from head to toe, her long straight black hair gleaming with short bangs covering her forehead, her fair skin, and wide black eyes, she was dressed in black short shorts, a white cotton tee, and a light blue denim jacket, and she was wearing her favorite combat boots. "Thank you," Skyla replied, smiling. "Which one?" he asked, waving his hands over the two shirts. She pointed at the one he was carrying in his left hand.

He flashed a cute irresistible smile and said, "Thank you Skyla," and ran to the shooting room.

"I'll take you to Lynn, and she'll accompany you to your office, and she'll take things from there; I have to start recording an album for one of our artists today."

"Thank you very much, babe!" Skyla said, then Faye straightened Skyla's hair and said, "Shush", as they headed together to Lynn's office. Faye said to Lynn, "Morning beautiful, I'll leave Skyla with you."

"Hey, come in, come in, Faye, let's have lunch for the three of us today," Lynn said, and Faye replied, "I have to record for Kevin today, I'll try to take a break and join you, take care of my girl."

Lynn said, "Of course, no worries, she's the star of the agency now, everyone is talking about her," Skyla hid her face and said, "no way, being the center of attention is too much for me."

My Faraway Star | Book #1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora