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Lisa didn't wake up.

If it hadn't been for Ella, Jennie would have given up a long time ago.

———3 years later——

"Happy Birthday sleepy Mama." Ella still had a baby voice, you could hear a slight lisp in it, it was cute.

Jennie looked at Lisa laying in the hospital bed, if she really tried she could pretend that she was just sleeping. She brushed the hair out of her face. "Happy Birthday Baby."

They had baked her a cake, yellow. She had let Ella help decorate because she wanted to surprise her mama so of course it looked awful considering she was just a toddler.

They blew out the candles that Jennie always snuck in to the hospital on Lisa's birthday and made a wish since Lisa couldn't. Jennie wished for the same thing every year, on her birthday and on Lisa's and anytime she saw a shooting star—-please wake up.

Jennie let Ella slowly take over cake duties every year after that. Jennie wasn't aware Ella always wished for the same thing too, she had always wanted to meet her mama.

———5 years later—

"Jennie, Will you marry me?"

———6 years later—-

It was a Friday and Jennie was fussing over Lisa's covers. Lisa's hand felt cold. Lisa's hand always felt cold since the accident happened but it was unusually cold to Jennie that day. Just as she decided to grab a nurse to have her check on Lisa she saw Lisa begin convulsing.

"Lisa no!" Jennie frantically looked around, realizing she was unable to do anything. "Somebody help!"

Her screams probably drew the attention of the staff before the call button that she pushed did.

A team of doctors and nurses rushed in. They all surrounded Lisa, pinning her down so she wouldn't shake so much. It didn't look good and by the sounds of what she could understand from what the staff was saying Lisa was crashing. She was flatlining.

Jennie was sobbing, "Please Lisa, please don't leave me. Not yet, please." Jennie tried to cling to Lisa as the nurses tried to get her to leave the room so the doctors could work.

"No! No, I won't leave her!" She said savagely. It took several nurses pulling her to finally manage to get her outside the hospital room.

Jennie recovered enough from her sobbing to angrily narrow her cat like eyes at the nurse, "if you let her die I'll burn this entire hospital down do you understand?"

The nurse knew Jennie was just upset, she tried to calm her down saying "we'll do the best we can" just as a deadly flatline was heard from the room

"Lisaaaa noooo. Baby, please. Please don't leave me. I still need you." Jennie collapsed.


She woke up disoriented hours later in a hospital room of her own. Ella was curled up next to her and Kai was on the couch.

It took a few seconds for her to remember what had happened.

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