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A/N "It's tennnnn!" "Yaaa!" "It's tennn!" "Yaaaa!" "It's teeeennnnnn"

—-Can y'all hear them? Lol, anyways don't mind me here's chapter 10, carry on.


Jennie was startled when she woke up. She hadn't realized she had spent the whole night there, she nervously looked at Lisa but she was still asleep. There was a blanket around her shoulders that she hadn't put there. She assumed the nurse had taken pity on her. She was a little surprised Yong-Sun hadn't woken her up like she always did to move her to the couch or the break room though.

"Hey sleepyhead." Yong-Sun walked into the room with a tray of food for Lisa.

"What time is it." Jennie grumbled.

"It's almost 11."

Jennie was surprised to hear she had slept that late. Actually, she was more surprised she hadn't woken up at all. She tended to be a light sleeper and she hadn't had a night of uninterrupted sleep since, well since Lisa's accident. Despite the position she had slept in, she felt surprisingly well rested.

She was anxious about Lisa's reaction at her accidentally spending the night with them though. She knew she had no right to anymore. She knew her mere presence hurt Lisa now. Lisa had swallowed her hurt for long enough so that she could ask to see Ella, not Jennie. She had wanted space to adjust and Jennie felt even worse for not giving her that. It had only been a few days for Lisa to try to come to terms with the fact she no longer had a fiancée. Jennie felt selfish and super guilty again.

"Did she?" Jennie gestured to Lisa, "Did she see me here?"

Yong-Sun wanted to break her promise to Lisa and tell Jennie the truth, they had become friends over the years after all. She knew they needed to figure it out for themselves though. "No, I don't think so."

Jennie breathed a sigh of relief. "Good, please don't tell her I spent the night here, I don't want to break her trust more than I already have." Jennie went to the break room to go freshen up so it would look like she was just now coming to pick Ella up.

Yong-Sun internally sighed, not sure when she began to be their secret keeper. She supposed it might be good that she didn't tell Jennie the truth though. Maybe it would show Lisa that Jennie was willing to lie in order to spare her feelings.

When Jennie came back the girls were already awake.

"Mommy!" Ella rushed Jennie and jumped into her arms.

"Hey baby, did you have fun with your Mama yesterday?" She quickly glanced at Lisa and gave her a soft smile before returning her gaze to her daughter. She hoped she didn't look guilty. Lisa could always read her like a book.

Lisa thought Jennie looked guilty for some reason.

"It was so fun we watched our favorite movie! Mama let me watch it with her three times!" She held up her little fingers to show the number three.

Jennie would have scolded her for making Lisa rewatch the movie over and over if she didn't know Lisa was the exact same way. They were obsessed with that damn movie. Between Lisa years ago and Ella now, even Jennie had the entire dialogue memorized.

Not to mention Chaeyoung's obsession with Disney movies too—though for her part it was probably because she loved singing along. She had a Disney princess worthy voice after all. She was surrounded by Disney fanatics. She was very glad she at least had Jisoo, they seemed to be the only sensible ones. Watch a movie once and move on. One and done.

Although who was she kidding, her hubby had Jisoo whipped and although she would inevitably complain and grumble she would let the blonde pick the movie anyway.

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