Chapter 17

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No sooner had Mr. Jeffrey walked into the class for 'English' than Moyo entered as well. Jason, on the other hand, despised being taught by his parents because they had high expectations of him, assuming he knew and understood everything.

The pressure made him apprehensive about asking questions in class, further exacerbating his shyness. The situation became even more frustrating for Jason when he occasionally slipped and accidentally called Mr. Jeffrey "daddy," adding a touch of embarrassment to his discomfort.

Mr. Jeffrey instructed Jason to clean the board before commencing the lesson. Mr Jeffrey dedicated an entire hour to writing on the board before delving into any explanations. Having already copied the majority of his father's notes beforehand, Jason remained unperturbed by the task and found no need to duplicate the English class notes.

When the English period was drawing to a close, Mr. Jeffrey ordered the class captain and his assistant to join him in the office after school. 

The class informed him that Jason was the class captain but did not have an assistant. Mr. Jeffrey was baffled by this revelation and requested that Jason choose an assistant immediately.

Jason promptly selected Timi as his assistant, but his father advised him to choose someone who wasn't part of 'his gang'. Jason surveyed the classroom and ultimately settled on Balikis. He believed that Balikis could be a valuable asset as she had shown interest in him, and he anticipated that she would be willing to assist him eagerly.

Balikis, perceiving Jason's choice as a potential indication of his reciprocated feelings, grew hopeful. While Jason had his suspicions about Balikis developing such expectations, he felt compelled to select her as his assistant given the circumstances.

Mr. Jeffrey departed from the classroom, heading towards the English department. On his way, he encountered some SSS2 students who were leaving for their fifth period. Observing Chika's walking style, Mr. Jeffrey told him to "walk like a man". The comment struck Chika deeply, and he felt insulted, particularly due to the presence of his peers who witnessed the exchange.

Malik stepped forward and defended him, in his attempt to protect his friend, Malik crossed a line by showing disrespect towards Mr. Jeffrey, who felt obliged to take disciplinary action against them, but Malik and Chika fled from the scene together, evading any immediate consequences.

Mr. Jeffrey attempted to inquire about their names from their classmates, and while most of them feigned ignorance, Olamide eventually disclosed their identities, weary of witnessing the duo's constant companionship.

Chika and Malik had distanced themselves enough from Mr. Jeffrey that they decided to halt their sprinting. Chika was breathing heavily, his chest heaving, while Malik found their escapade amusing and continued to chuckle.

"What's funny? You've put me in trouble... You should've just snubbed the man" Chika said.

"Is he mad? Are you guys mate? Which one is 'walk like a man' did he give birth to you, what concerns him?" Malik responded aggressively.

Hearing Malik say those words made Chika feel cherished and valued. Malik had no idea how much those words meant to Chika.

"Thank you" Chika expressed his gratitude.

"Yeah!! I have something to tell you... But not now let's leave here first"

Chika was desperate to know what it was. He kept pleading, but Malik refused to listen. Chika grew increasingly upset and asked Malik why he had brought it up in the first place if he wasn't going to reveal it right away.

Malik told him in order to jog his memory, but Chika chose to ignore him and continued on his way. Chika couldn't completely forget what Malik had mentioned, and it lingered in the back of his mind. He was secretly hoping that it was Malik confessing his feelings towards him, as that would truly make his day.

Timi and Moyo exited their classroom just before the bell for the break rang. Moyo, feeling more at ease with Timi, reached out and held his hand as they strolled together. Timi, reciprocating her gesture, showed no hesitation in his affection.

Zuriel walked by them, Moyo gave her a death stare, Zuriel stopped to ask Timi what she missed while she wasn't in class.

"...Balikis is now assistant class cap... It was supposed to be me but Mr Jeffrey was forming strong head" Timi mentioned.

Zuriel left and glared back at Moyo before she did.

"I'd see you later babe, I don't want to miss training today" Timi said to Moyo, before heading off.

Moyo's feelings toward Timi were starting to shift, as she grew frustrated with his behavior. But, her strong affection for him prevented her from considering ending the relationship.

Timi arrived on the field to find his team already engaged in a training session, which included Jason and Beamer. Zino, the coach, decided to bench Timi for his tardiness.

Jason experienced a muscle pull while attempting to pass the ball to Beamer. The pain was intense, and he had to suppress the urge to scream out. Showing great resilience, he managed to hold himself together. Zino, observing Jason's discomfort, quickly substituted him with Timi and assisted Jason with the muscle pull to alleviate the pain.

Zino carefully carried Jason up to the pavilion, where he began massaging Jason's leg while the training continued. Zino's skilled hands moved gently along Jason's thigh, providing relief and causing the pain to subside. Jason found comfort in the soothing touch, and the sensation of pain gradually diminished.

Zino kept going till Jason became involuntarily aroused and Zino saw this from his trousers, slowly moving his hands towards it, Jason intercepted, swiftly removing Zino's hand before his actions drew any attention.

"Tomorrow," Jason replied, and Zino nodded in understanding.

Balikis abruptly interrupted them, informing Jason that his father was searching for two SS2 students named "Chika" and "Malik" who had disrespected him.

Jason's anger surged within him, overshadowing the pain in his legs. He reassured Balikis not to worry and took it upon himself to handle the situation. He went straight to SSS2 block, looking for them.

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