Emma's Pov (11)

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It's my first day at school since after the weekend incident which hasn't left my mind for reasons I know not. Its like I became conscious of him overnight. Not sure if it's because of the things I heard he did to people he considered enemies or the videos I watched on Mindy's vlog while I was recovering.

Videos of him bashing some douche bags and vandalizing school property at odd hours, and news had it he got suspended several times for several reasons because his parents could no longer settle his out of attitude anymore.

I see Cheryl at the far end and I feel a bit sad for not catching the bus with her. She got my number from mummy Joana at the party and texted me throughout the weekend. We talked so long about everything happening in school, now I don't feel so strange here because I can literally recognise most people at school with their history all because of Cheryl.

She sent me the link to Mindy's vlog where I saw the ugly videos and mine too. I make a mental note to approach whomever this famous Mindy is to take mine down .

"Hi Cheryl, I'm sorry I couldn't catch the bus as promised. Fred came by last night and had mum in a frenzy again" I say angry at the thought of waking up to Fred sitting peacefully on the dinner table while mum hurried around to make him as comfortable as possible.

All the happiness and peace I felt while waking up melted. No wonder she seemed chirpy waking me for school this morning.

"Oh, family issues?" she asks and I nod. Cheryl got to know about my divorced parents from our long chat and how I hate my dad and called him Fred.

"Sorry Em, at least you're in school I was afraid you'd be in a cast by now. How did you manage not to?"

"Mum insisted I wear one but I don't wanna scream, so hey I'm the vampire queen who bit your school douchebag at his party. I'll definitely get the looks from the minions yeah," I huff, smoothening my ponytail.

"Yeah I get you, we definitely don't want that" she says but she's staring at something towards the end of the hallway. I follow her gaze and it's no other than the douche bag.

"Speak of the devil" I mutter. Cheryl turns quickly towards me with guilty eyes.

"Mh?... you say?" she's looking at me with this innocent expression like she's sorry for staring at the enemy which we shouldn't be doing but It's nothing to me as long as we both hate the presence of him.

"He just has to be at the right place" I scoff rolling my eyes.

I watch him furiously search through his locker like he misplaced something. He's putting on an expensive black boot, its fendi prints and I'm impressed. Like I see those on expensive music videos only.

Is that what he's rocking carefree to school? No wonder he has no regard for people.

I see how he bluffs girls hovering around him like they don't exist. I want to stop looking because I'm trying to avoid him at school by all means.

Eric walks up to him in more subtle trainers, a sports jacket and band. Wow he's hot, and friendly.

"Hey bro, Douglas wants to know if he should come pick you up after school today" he asks leaning on another locker. Einstein sneers at him hesitant in his reply.

Eric stands calm and collected waiting for his twin's temper to chill out. It's like he knows him so well, I sigh.

"Why does he have to ask you? He has my number, so?..." He grits flexing his phalanges.

Eric shrugs, "With the way you stormed off this morning, I mean the poor man wasn't sure what to make of it"

Einstein shut his locker with a thud, jerking I and Cheryl out of our eavesdropping.
Mehn! He's so irritable today I'll remember to avoid him in class.

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