Emma's Pov (50)

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"Morning mum," I greet taking milk from the fridge.

Mum smiles at me before going ahead with her vegetables on the counter. She seems bubbly this early morning. Well, why wouldn't she? It's not like she has the image of a hot naked guy under the duvet haunting her mind.

The scenario messed with my head throughout the weekend. I couldn't concentrate on a particular thing without that image creeping into my head. And I don't know why I reek of jealousy.

It annoys me to think I'm jealous of that douche bag and his high-profile girlfriend. They can go ahead and win prom king and queen.

I sigh dejectedly. Taking a seat, I revel in the taste of milk on my tongue. At least it tastes better than whatever they share.

"Are you okay hun? You seem distant." mum asks, watching me in concern.

"I'm fine, it's just school stuff." I reply, placing my glass next to the tablets.

"Oh... Well, I'd love to hear about it then. I used to be a teenager like you and had plenty of guys chase after me."

I wiggle my brows in wonder.

"Don't doubt me, I was almost a prom queen but my boyfriend then... Well, he, never mind." she shrugs and cuts short her speech.

"It must've been messy then, right?" I suggest.

"Well... Life's messy. So I heard something from somewhere." she pipes up.

"What's that?"

"That you and Eric are the school's heartthrob duo and might emerge prom king and queen. Is that true honey?" She giggles. I've not seen mum giggle in a while.

I smile. "It's not really like that. True, lots of people are vying for us but we aren't the only couples at school. I mean the big girls still have their influence."

"Oh forget that," she brushes off. "I had big girls in my own time but none of them could compare to me."

"And how did yours end?" I ask, stating the obvious.

Mum gulps down. "Yeah well..." I say in resignation.

"No no I get it, it's true. You can't just win by being pretty you've gotta be more."

"Exactly sweetie and I know you and Eric will be prom dates slash king and qu_" I don't let her finish as I interject.

"Okay, mum I gotta go, love ya!" I yell behind me.


At school...

After four to five hectic hours of class, the bell finally rings for a break. I sigh in relief and without waiting on anybody I rush down to my locker.

I might have placed them there. I search thoroughly in my locker and can't find my drugs. I can already feel the migraine building up. It's gonna get worse if I don't take them.

I'm frustrated because I can't seem to remember where I put it. Maybe I left it on the dinner table in a hurry to avoid Mum's cheesy questions. Huh, I slap my forehead but my crown bangs in a ruthless way. I nearly wailed.

"Hey, you okay?" Cheryl is beside me with concern in her eyes.

I'm fine, it's just a little headache.

"Sure. Are you coming to the cafeteria for lunch? Let's hang out" she suggests but I need time alone.

"I'll meet you there later. I need to be somewhere first" I excuse myself and head out for fresh air.
On my way to my unknown destination, I saw Einstein Hat and his prime-time girlfriend standing beside a familiar black Cadillac SUV.

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