Kendall's Pov (13)

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Mikey finally visited.

Mikey is my elder brother and the first issue of my parents. He's been absent in our lives since he turned eighteen and realised how adulthood was different from childhood and the lies that were being told then.

He never got along with Carmen, why? Because he thinks she's too submissive a wife to her husband who left his family to fight for his country. Mikey believed charity has to begin from home not to people who don't matter.

He was a troubled kid and I wasn't sure why. All I remember back then was him getting grounded severally and eloping with some girl to another state for weeks. At some point the police got involved because mum couldn't stomach the distress anymore, lucky enough he was apprehended and sent to juvenile for some months.

I guess it's the main reason he despises her till date. I mean he turned out to be a responsible guy with a comfortable source of income but he doesn't care about us, he doesn't mind if we're begging on the streets for crumps all he knows is that Carmen made his childhood miserable because of her inability to stand against her husband who ordered her to put him in juve.

I was never close with him though, he usually made mockery of me and scared the hell outta me. I cried then, I reported him sometime to dad who didn't take it likely, he got spanked and that was it for our wavering sibling-hood.

The day he left wasn't so memorable because he'd thrown down every bit of gadget we owned, raining curses at Carmen before jumping into his car and zooming off. That was the last we saw of him. Mum tried contacting him for years but nothing.

Jordan was still crawling at that time so I won't say he was of any influence to him then.

Now he's seated at the dinner table with his fiancee Dorothy. She's plump, like way too bulky for my liking. I don't wanna call her fat but she is. I never really tagged my brother as a fat girl lover. He used to date girls like Yvonne and Chelsea who were very conscious of their looks back in high school.

Mum is trying so hard to pretend she loves Dorothy who's a talker and doesn't know when to stop being nice.

"He told me how you guys literally forced him outta the house at a young age and that got him a chance to be better for himself. I mean if that didn't happen we would never have met right hun?" she nudges him with a wide smile. Mikey is obviously uncomfortable with the way his girlfriend or fiance is putting everything down on the table.

Mum clears her throat. "You guys met in college?" she sounds surprised, me too.

"Yes we did!" she pipes up interrupting him.

"Uh, Dorothy and I met in our third year and we got close"

"Oh honey, if you put it like that it sounds so basic, we literally fell in love after a week" she tells mum displaying her overtly long nails.

"I didn't know you went to college... You could have told me dear, you know I would've supported you no matter how little" she says gazing at him with emotions.

Mikey is uncomfortable, I guess he still doesn't feel like mum is sorry for sending him away, he thinks it's all a sham.

So my main point is why are they here then? Because I'm sure it's not to play house.

"It's nothing mum, I managed quite alright" that's him saying he never needed us.

Carmen nods, wiping her mouth. I mean she skipped work just for this moment and it's turning sore.

"Honey, will you tell them or should I?" Dorothy pipes, squeezing his hand, I roll my eyes in disgust. Why is she trying so hard? I mean we're just his family, not some rival shit.

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