Emma's Pov (45)

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Grandma Una pats my hair tenderly chatting away about her youthful age and how notorious she was. She made references to how everything's different now, we the younger generation as she puts it have so much privilege it's made us lazy and lose foresight, I don't agree with her.

To recap, the reason we're in a deep conversation in my room about my generation is because I've refused to eat anything since I got discharged. Mum has tried everything she can to get me to feed well but all I want is water.

I grab a bottle of water beside me and gulp down. So grandma continues with her speech about having food to eat yet uninterested. I smile at her feeble nature, she's a tenacious old lady who owns a subsistence farm in the village where she grows all kinds of vegetables and grains. I'm sure she came with a truck load of them.

It's been two years since I last saw her. Mummy Joana and I used to visit her back then and she'd feed us with assorted dishes, I missed having an appetite. When we finally moved here, it was such a long journey from the city to her rural area, a long journey. I stare at her as she reminisces about the old days.

I smile with interest. But I know the reason she drove all the way to the city is because of my health, my lost memory to be precise. After I woke up, I've been unable to remember the accident or what led to it. To be honest, I recognize my friends and family but some events with them got missing in my head.

Sometimes I see someone smiling back at me but I'm not sure we used to be very close friends.

Eric was different though, I remember everything about him, I remember we're in a relationship most especially I remember waking up at the hospital and he was by my side, running to get the nurses, clearing my room as we got discharged and even letting his driver Douglas (I still remember) take us home. He was so tender and diligent.

The doctors said I have a bit of a glitch in my memory due to the head impact I had when I slipped. I don't remember how it occurred but it was a great fall. A good side of my skull was stitched and bandaged.

"Little kitten" granny calls, realizing I wasn't paying attention.


"What are you thinking?.. I hope you're not trying to remember everything you might have a migraine"

"No I'm not. But will I ever get better?..."

"Of course my kitten you will, definitely.!" She assures.

"Why do you still call me that ma?... I'm a big girl now, not a kitten" I remind her. That name gets me embarrassed, funny I used to love it when she called me that.

She cracks up. "I know you're a big girl dear but that'll always be your pet name for me, because you're so fierce and tender like a kitten" she rubs my shoulder in a rotatory motion.

"Yeah I remember you once told me that. Dad used to call me that too..." I whisper when I remember him. He's yet to visit me. "Why's he not here yet?... Does he hate me so much that he can't spare a day to see me?" I ask grandma Una.

"Dear he was at your side for days when you were out but got called in for work at last. He'll be here once he makes time. I already spoke with him yesterday. He loves you"

I huff out air, I don't care if he visits in fact. He's never been there for us and I'm sure he's punishing me for all the bad things I've done in the past. I remember, to think I'd forget I don't like Fred? He's been a major part of my life that I can't ever get rid off, I guess that's why it's stuck in my memory. I remember most things concerning him.

The regular fights with mum, him leaving in the middle of the night or before dawn, knowing that mum would be a mess and apologize after him. Or the times he almost beat me up for talking back at him, The list was endless.

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