Emma's Pov (16)

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Cheryl came over as promised for the sleepover, she's in the bathroom getting ready for our girl's night.
Mummy Joana made some snacks for us after we refused real food.

Well, I refused real food because I'm still silently punishing her for siding with Fred the afternoon we had an altercation.

I know she apologized and pampered me unnecessarily to soothe me but I just had to overstretch the privileges.

I'm feeling so happy about everything, especially the date with Eric. I know I should be careful around him but I just can't help it.
He's such an attractive, chivalrous young man.

He made me taste every ice cream flavor there was at the mall. I love that he made sure I didn't use my hand to push open the doors or pick up anything I wanted because he was always there to do so.

And his driver Douglas was nice to me, unlike some chauffeurs I know. At this point I think my chances of hanging out in an exotic home at Edison street are high, it's like a dream come true.

"Did you hear about the malicious fight that happened yesterday at school?" Cheryl speaks, cutting off my thoughts. She's wiping her chubby face with a pink towel.

"No, who and who fought?"

"Yvonne Novald and her crew. I'm guessing Chelsea. That girl loves to make trouble" she shrugs, dropping to the other side of the bed.

"Damn! What could have caused the fight?"

"Boys?... I mean what else? But nobody knows for sure cos they locked themselves inside the restroom, we only heard their screams"

"That's bad, There's nothing on Mindy's vlog why?" I ask, clicking on my laptop.

"Are you serious now?... Why would she dare upload their videos?"

"Why not? Isn't that what she does for a living? I mean, mine was there when it all happened. I'm not sure who told her to take it off as it's no longer here"

"Yvonne has people, plugs, connections. She can pull anyone out of our school in a jiffy. Her friends know this and so thread cautiously. She's a control freak as I've heard, that must be why Chelsea hates her guts" Cheryl finishes, taking a bite from the snack plate.

"But why is she still hanging out with them? Yvonne's a fiend and I can't handle such piece of shit!" I scoff, standing before my mirror with my hair in a messy bun.

"Power, class, connection, etc. Or just sheer stupidity. I also don't like her. She makes girls like us look small and nonexistent whenever she's in the environment. Did you know there was a time every girl wanted to be like her? When we were still juniors. She was the trophy girlfriend to Landon Brookes, May blossom's sweetheart, the best sprinter of the season" Cheryl narrates in a wistful manner. "They were the power couple back then and a happily ever after kinda thing. They were often the topic of discussion, students were their paparazzi whenever they walked down the hallway. I was jealous and so were others.
But finally, it ended. I don't know why, but I didn't care, I just loved that they did. Yvy was becoming unbearably rude and pompous. She'd bully some of the wonks and plotted the expulsion of some. That's where the fear of her came about" Cheryl stops to gulp down her juice and I wait in anticipation.

"Shania in our class became her everlasting rival when she began dating her ex Landon Brookes. But I love Shania for just one reason. She's tough, tougher than Yvonne can ever imagine and she's highly connected. It's as good as being untouchable. I guess Yvonne gave up after several plots. But I'm sure she hates Shania's guts so much"

"I guess this is why we in the science class don't relate well with the art guys" I conclude.

"Yeah, it's been a long time feud, did you know Shania used to date Eric?..." Cheryl says out of the blue.

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