Meet the Contestants!

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Sign-ups are now CLOSED! A huge thank-you to everyone who decided to sign up, as well as those of you who decided not to, but wanted to watch anyway!

Now that the roster's finally full, we can begin the camp! But before we start, I think it would be a good idea for our readers to know who the contestants are. So, without further ado, here are your WTFORC Season 1 contestants!

#1 — Takeout Coffee, they/them (@M30WS0M3)

#2 — Gemy, he/they (@katismoi)

#3 — Bleach Bottle, he/they (@MangoManDude)

#4 — Slimey, he/him (@threadar)

#5 — Cat, they/he (@CatlovesCamilo)

#6 — Sticker, she/her (@-intrusivethoughts)

#7 — Ink Pot, he/him (@ThehumanNamedE)

#8 — Placeholder, he/him (@Demonvampire987)

#9 — Potted Plant, he/him (@Echo_The_Emo)

#10 — Times New Roman, he/him (@MyKeThePro)

#11 — Candy Wrapper, they/he/it (@doneewithhlifee)

#12 — Velv, she/her (@MystikHope)

#13 — Mango Flan, he/him (@Trota123)

#14 — Mac and Cheese, he/him (@Jabewostar)

#15 — ToNT, he/him (@boredofconfusion)

#16 — Magnet, they/them (@nofacebitxh)

#17 — Chocolate Bar, she/her (@poop-e-head)

#18 — Top Hat, he/him (@GuiGui078)

#19 — Ink Well, he/they (@bfbfanficfan)

#20 — Warped Wart Block (@TheWarpedStrider27)

#21 — Crossy, she/her (@halfasleeptypist)

#22 — Ancient Debris, he/it (@AlmondicChoco)

#23 — Red Button, he/him (@rubric_cube)

#24 — Hydraulic Press (@HydraulicOfficial99)

All right! The first challenge—next chapter—will be a warm-up round. No elimination, no risk. This round will be to help you guys get familiar with the camp's format. I'm so excited for this, and I hope you guys are, too!

And for the sake of transparency, I'll be using "" to count the words in your stories, so you can check how long they are over there.


To get you guys familiar with how you should write your stories, here's a bit of lore for you. TL;DR at the end if you don't really like reading this kind of stuff.

My object, Silver, has accepted each of your objects into WTFORC. The objects know that they're in a reality show, and they all obviously want to win. They expect to complete several challenges, as would any reality show contestant.

But there's a couple of important things about the camp that your objects don't know. Thing number one: they don't know how Silver picks who's up for elimination. That's closely related to thing number two: they don't know why Silver gave every single one of them a journal to write down everything they experience at the camp. (You see where I'm going with this?)

After every challenge, all of the contestants write in their journals and describe their experiences in the challenge, as well as their opinions about the game, the other contestants, and just other thoughts in general. This is where you, the user (NOT the object) come in. You're acting as your object's will, and the stories that you send me are the exact same words they write in their journals. Using a mystical power that can only be invoked with a specific ten-word meta-chant (I can do what I want because it's my lore), Silver secretly and discreetly reads the journal entries and picks who to put up for elimination from that.

In-universe, WTFORC stands for "Whacked: The Fantastic Object Reality Camp", which is why everyone thinks it's a normal reality show. Of course, Silver, being the host and thus being the only one with meta-awareness, is the only one who knows its true name.

TL;DR — The stories you send me are your object's journal entries. Remember that.


Your first challenge will be announced on the 28th of February! (Oh, and don't forget to add this book to your library so you don't miss out on important chapter updates and additions.) Season 1 of WTFORC starts in three days, so get ready!

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