Round 10 Write: We'll Give It a Shot

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—————The Story—————

"Say the thing, Silver! Say the thing!"


Woah. We're halfway there. (Can't wait for the screaming comments on this line.)

In all seriousness, contestants, this will be your last team challenge this season. After this, you will all be competing for individual immunity. Make your unofficial and un-host-sanctioned alliances before the other contestants decide to kick you off!

To commemorate the last team challenge for the season, I figured why not have a challenge that's actually a team challenge? So far, the challenges have largely been individual in nature; each of you has simply written your own take on events that have happened.

Not this time. Now that your team bonds are about as solidified as they'll ever be, let's give an actual team challenge a shot!

—————The Challenge—————

Each of you must meet with your team and write an original team song/anthem that represents your team—plain and simple.

Of course, there's an obvious catch: every member of your team must send me the exact same song. The rest of the journal entry can be different, since each of your objects obviously has a different perspective on things, but the song itself must be the exact same. This means that you must work together with your team to write a completely new, somewhat completely original song. Good luck!

—————The Rules—————

• You must write a story detailing how you meet with your team and write a team song/anthem.

• You can write about practically anything in your story (pulling tools out of your non-existent pockets, flying, using magic, etc.), including your fellow contestants. However, the general landscape of reality must not be shattered, bent, changed, etc. by the end of it.

[+] Your team's song must be new and original, not an existing one (although references and allusions are allowed).

[+] Barring minor details like formatting and small grammar mistakes, EVERY SONG YOUR TEAM SENDS ME MUST BE THE EXACT SAME. This means each of you must collaborate with your teammates to not only write an original song, but also to ensure that each of you submits the exact same song.

[+] If even one team member submits a different song in any way, your entire team is disqualified.

[+] Why is being disqualified a big deal, you ask? Simple: every disqualified team must vote off a member. So make sure all of your songs are the same.

[+] Inactive people will not be counted as submitting a different song, so don't stress out too much if they don't wake up.

[+] That being said, if at least two members of your team do not send me an entry, your team will be disqualified regardless. In other words, you cannot solo this challenge.

[+] Although the songs themselves must be the same, the entries as a whole may not. In other words, one team member cannot simply write a single entry, then tell the team to copy and paste that entry as their submission.

• Stories are due by the 19th of November, two weeks from now.

• If all stories are submitted early, then I may start the Whack phase early as well.

• Any violation of these rules, even by any individual contestant, will result in an automatic disqualification for the entire team.

If you have any questions about the challenge, don't be afraid to ask me. If I feel like it's of general interest to the rest of the contestants, I'll add it here.

—————The Goal—————


You're writing a song that represents your team; of course I want them to be accurate. However, I also want your entries to be creative.

We've got more stakes on the line this time: all disqualified teams will be up for elimination. If no one ends up being disqualified, then the team with the lowest average rank will be up for elimination.

—————The Prizes—————

✓ Teams who submit no disqualifying stories: +2 Basic Tokens.
All disqualified teams: Up for elimination.

✓ Team Rank 1: +2 Basic Tokens.
Team Rank 2: Up for elimination (unless a team is disqualified).

—————The Lesson—————

Like I said in Round 6, being creative isn't something I can teach. Actually, there's not really much I can teach you this round. All I can do is tell you to work with your teammates to make a team song that's accurate and creative. I'm looking forward to them!

Also, don't forget to spend your Basic Tokens, because this is the last round you can do so! (If you want to know how many you have, just DM me and I'll tell you.)

Good luck, contestants! Ready, set, write!

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