Round 17 Whack

37 0 4

It's that time again, contestants! Great job; none of you left even a piece of that building standing! It's crumbled to the ground and smoking in a bunch of little pieces now!

As it should be.

Because it's a mafia front, of course!

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that this is the first time this has happened in the camp so far, but we had a three-way tie for first! (And the other two were only one or two points behind them!) I think that's pretty cool, so good job, everyone!

Of course, you know how we do tie-breakers here. Being the first one of three contestants to gain a 39/50, and receiving immunity in this round's elimination, the winner of this challenge is...

...Contestant #12, Velv! (@coloredscribbli)

And for the rest of you, it's elimination time! No Tokens, no gimmicks—just pure, unadulterated voting from here on out. Remember, DM me the name of the contestant you wish to eliminate to vote for them. You've all got until the 11th of April to send in your votes. See you guys soon!

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