Round 19 Whack

40 1 4

I know I'm saying this a lot recently, but you guys just blew me away with this one. I was honestly not expecting you guys to write this well, but it's a very pleasant surprise! It was a real adventure seeing you guys navigate such a wild and unfamiliar space with all of that creative freedom.

And speaking of space, it's that time again. Whoever wins this challenge is guaranteed a spot in the Finale! (We're almost there, guys! Can you believe it?)

But not only that. No, no, no. You see, since there are only three of you and one of you is getting immunity, the other two will obviously vote for each other. Thus, whoever wins immunity is single-handedly responsible for choosing who gets to go to the Finale with them.

This massive responsibility falls on one of you three contestants. So, without further ado, that contestant, with a score of 41/50, and barely beating out the runner-up by one point, is...

...Contestant #10, Times New Roman! (@MyKeThePro)

Placeholder and Chocolate Bar, one of you will be voted out this round. But unlike in the past, that choice rests with one contestant and one contestant alone.

Times New Roman, because Placeholder and Chocolate Bar will obviously vote for each other, it's all up to you to decide who stays and who goes. Who do you want me to remotely yeet into space from the obscure airport office I'm stuck in, and who do you want to take to the Finale with you?

You've got until the 21st of May, three days from now, to DM me your choice. You can definitely vote earlier, though, and I'll write the next chapter early as well if you do.

As for Placeholder and Chocolate Bar, your fates lie with Times New Roman now. Good luck, all three of you, and I'll see you very soon.

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