Round 5 Write: I Wonder if You Feel the Kind of Pain That Rips Your Insides Out?

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—————The Story—————

Hey, contestants! Y'all should have gotten some well-needed rest after that last challenge. Hope you all had some good dreams!

'Cause you'll have nothing but nightmares after this.

You see, I think I've been treating you objects a little too well here, wouldn't you agree? Treating contestants with dignity and respect, like I generously have been, just doesn't suit the role of a reality show host. I've been too soft on you. Giving you all free stays in a decent apartment for the camp, letting you pick your own teams, taking you guys out for a couple of nice days on the town—gosh, what am I even doing? This is way too easy for you guys.

So, I'm making up for all of my kindness and goodwill today. I've decided to let the five eliminated objects have a major part in this next challenge. Well...kinda. You'll see what I mean.

Oh, what's that? What did you say? Oh, did you say the lights are flickering in the lobby where I've gathered all you objects? And all the doors leading to the outside are locked by an unbreakable magical barrier? And the power's starting to go out? And the time just switched over to 12:00 AM? And you're hearing eerie, scary, creepy noises from the corners of the building which may or may not sound like corrupted versions of the eliminated contestants' voices?

Oh, dear. What a shame.

—————The Challenge—————

As you may have guessed, I've temporarily corrupted the five eliminated contestants' souls and brought them all back from their yeetdom in space to haunt the building until dawn. There's no way out of the building, and the elevators are locked and broken; you're gonna have to go up and down the old-fashioned way with stairs.

I've given all the eliminated contestants special powers unique to themselves that will help them catch you. Here they are:

Mango Flan — The ability to expand, consume, and suffocate you and any obstacles while using his acidic insides to dissolve whatever your object's flesh is or whatever obstacle stands in his way. Basically, he's a deadly, flexible blob. Also, he loves using the building's plumbing and ventilation systems to get around—so I hope none of you are afraid of eldritch horrors in the pipes.

Slimey — Doubled IQ (so watch out for traps!) and the ability to perfectly imitate any contestant's voice, as well as several sharp spikes on the top of his head. Oh, yeah, and he can defy gravity.

Ancient Debris — The ability to transform himself into a super-strong and super-sharp sword, axe, pickaxe, or shovel. Essentially, they're a versatile breaching tool and weapon all-in-one. Also, once he touches you, he'll know which direction you are from him for the rest of the challenge. You know, like a compass pointing at a lodestone—except that he can also detect up and down.

Cat — The ability to boost any other corrupted object's powers and instantaneously heal any damage they may have sustained—as a result, they are often found next to other corrupted objects. Also, they have razor-sharp claws and increased resistance to The Royal Cowards' Advantage.

Hydraulic Press — A vice-like grip and the ability to pulverize your skull to powder inside of themselves. Also, they're strong enough to crush furniture with their bare hands, so you might want to think about the painful, claustrophobic experience of being slowly crushed to death inside that closet before you decide to sit there for six hours.

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