Round 18 Whack

34 0 4

Holy hell, can I just say how proud I am of all of you? All of your stories were absolutely amazing this time around! I can tell that you've all definitely improved; I was able to get a good feel of each of your auxiliary characters, which is a good thing!

But alas, there can only be one challenge winner. Therefore, with a score of 46/50 and receiving immunity in this round's elimination, the winner of this challenge is...

...Contestant #10, Times New Roman! (@MyKeThePro)

As for you other three, you're all up for elimination! Choose carefully; you're all really strong contenders, after all.

Because we have four potential votes, the system for breaking any potential tie will be similar to how it will be in the Finale: whoever placed lowest in the challenge will have their vote nullified, which should break the tie.

You've all got until the 1st of May to DM me your vote. See you then!

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