Round 4 Write: But if You Close Your Eyes...

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Surprise, contestants! This challenge is coming out two days early! Also, I've made a couple of executive decisions.

First, I was considering shortening both of the Wait periods to one day instead of waiting the full three days. What do you guys think?

Second, I've decided to shorten the camp to 20 rounds instead of 25 so the camp won't take as long. All right, let's go!

—————The Story—————

Welcome to Round 4, contestants! I hope you guys had as much fun in this season's first actual elimination as I did! I finally got to yeet someone into space in front of all of you!

Anyway, I've been feeling generous lately. Yesterday, I took your objects to an amusement park located beside a beach, arcade, and coffee shop for a day to let them enjoy themselves to their heart's content. After that, I hired a five-star chef to serve them a three-course dinner at the apartment before sending them off to bed. Did I mention that I replaced the sheets and pillows with much softer ones?

Now, this morning, I've just served each of you objects a fine, full breakfast and called you out to the center of the pitch, where the sun is shining warmly and brightly—just enough for all of you to relax. You've all been having a great time recently—so to add to it, I've placed a ring of super-comfy armchairs around and facing the center of the pitch, one for each of you. You all took your seats in one and now you're all half-asleep.

I think you can tell from how I just pulled out a megaphone and took a deep breath what I'm about to yell...

—————The Challenge—————


That's right! I made you all indulge yourselves on purpose so you'd be tempted to fall asleep. Soft chair, five-star meals, an entire day of non-torture—you guys were basically living in the lap of luxury until now. You're all practically sweating lethargy.

But this was all part of the challenge! To win, be the last contestant still awake.

Just stay awake, and you'll be fine. But if you close your eyes...well, don't be too optimistic about your chances. Anyone sleeping will be sent back to the apartment so they can sleep properly.

Yes, this challenge was inspired by TDI. Yes, I will drag a bed out onto the pitch and sleep in front of all of you just to flex on you. Yes, there are cameras watching everywhere, so don't even try nodding off.

—————The Rules—————

• You must write a story detailing your efforts to stay awake after everyone else has fallen asleep.

• You can write about practically anything in your story (pulling tools out of your non-existent pockets, flying, using magic, etc.), including your fellow contestants. However, the general landscape of reality must not be shattered, bent, changed, etc. by the end of it.


[+] You are allowed to move around and mess with (but NOT kill or beat unconscious) the other contestants—assuming you have the energy. Keep in mind, however, that messing with someone else may accidentally keep them awake for longer.

• Stories are due by the 5th of July, fifteen days from now. (The reason for the extra day is that I live in freedom-lovin' God-blessed 'MURICA, where the 4th of July is a holiday, so I probably won't be able to post a chapter that day.)

• If all stories are submitted early, then I may start the Wait 1 phase early as well.

• Any violation of these rules will result in an automatic Rank 48.

If you have any questions about the challenge, don't be afraid to ask me. If I feel like it's of general interest to the rest of the contestants, I'll add it here.

—————The Goal—————

This round's goal: FUNNIEST

Yeah, why not? We're probably bound to reuse goals and lessons anyway. Since this is a reward challenge, there's no elimination. Instead, the team with the highest average rank will gain an Advantage in the next challenge. And this isn't just some in-universe advantage, either (although that's part of it); the advantaged writers themselves will gain a special collective ability that I won't reveal until that challenge actually comes.

—————The Prizes—————

✓ Rank 1: +10 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 2: +8 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 3: +6 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 4: +4 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 5: +2 Basic Tokens.
• Ranks 6–24: Nothing.

✓ Team Rank 1: +4 Basic Tokens and an Advantage.
✓ Team Rank 2: +2 Basic Tokens.
• Team Rank 3: Nothing.

—————The Lesson—————

I'm reusing Round 1's goal, so I might as well reuse its lesson. Also, imagine a generic Grammarly plug here.

Good luck, contestants! Ready, set, write!

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