Round 2 Write: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

237 8 18

—————The Story—————

Welcome to the second challenge, contestants! As you can probably tell from the round name, today we'll be taking inspiration from Inanimate Insanity!

Due to the resignation of one of our contestants, there was no elimination last round, which means that you all got to relax a little. But now that relaxation time's over, I've called you all up to the roof of the apartment for the next challenge.

One thing I should mention: I know that a lot of you have your own books for the challenge entries. That's completely fine, but if you're not going to DM me your story, then mention me and make sure I respond so I know to judge your entry.

Also, I realized that I might have made last challenge a bit too complicated, so I tried to make this one a bit simpler. Good luck!

—————The Challenge—————

Your challenge is to jump off the roof of the 10-story building with at least one other teammate, land directly on the asphalt parking lot, and survive. You also have to have a conversation with your partner or partners on your way down. Easy as that!

—————The Rules—————

• You must write a story detailing how you and your teammate (or teammates) jump off the 10-story-high building, have a conversation on the way down, land on the asphalt parking lot, and live.

• You can write about practically anything in your story (pulling tools out of your non-existent pockets, flying, using magic, etc.), including your fellow contestants. However, the general landscape of reality must not be shattered, bent, changed, etc. by the end of it.

[+] You must jump with at least one another object on your team (although you may jump with more than one if you choose). Collaborating on entries and making use of this rule is allowed, but not necessary. You must also have a conversation with said object.

[+] You cannot use the building to help you in any way. The only time during your fall in which you can touch the building is the initial jump.

[+] You cannot modify the parking lot or landing zone in any way. (For example, you can't have someone else slide a bounce house to your landing spot.)

[+] That being said, you are allowed to use miscellaneous equipment as long as they do not help you fly or teleport.

[+] If you die even once, you lose. (In other words, you are not allowed to let your characters die.)

[+] Your object will not receive any medical attention until after everyone has jumped.

[+] Contestants will jump in team rank order. Everyone on [insert name here] will jump before anyone else, with Nova Roma jumping next, The Royal Cowards jumping after them, and finally, Ln'eta. (Remember, according to the previous rule, this means that [insert name here] will go the longest without medical attention.)

[+] PENALTY for Ln'eta: Your maximum word count is 1000 words. Although you are allowed to keep writing in your individual books on your profiles, you must at least DM me your story. I'll be using "" to count the words in your story.

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