Round 8 Write: Way Away, Away From Here I'll Be

95 2 12

—————The Story—————

Hey, guys. I'll make this quick.

—————The Challenge—————

Someone's coming over to the Sky Stadium today looking for me, so I'm going to spend all day away from the place. I don't care what you guys do for the day, just...act normal and pretend I was never here.

—————The Rules—————

• You must write a story detailing your normal day at the Sky Stadium without me around.

• You can write about practically anything in your story (pulling tools out of your non-existent pockets, flying, using magic, etc.), including your fellow contestants. However, the general landscape of reality must not be shattered, bent, changed, etc. by the end of it.

[+] Once she gets here, she'll only stick around for about an hour. The problem is that I don't know which hour.

[+] Try your best to act normal. The less weird and suspicious you guys look, the better.

[+] If she asks you any questions about me, say that you don't know the answer.

[+] And most importantly, above all, you absolutely cannot tell Amber where I went. I'll be watching through the cameras, and I'll come back when she's gone.

• Stories are due by the 6th of October, two weeks from now.

• If all stories are submitted early, then I may start the Whack phase early as well.

• Any violation of these rules will result in an automatic Rank 48.

If you have any questions about the challenge, don't be afraid to ask me. If I feel like it's of general interest to the rest of the contestants, I'll add it here.

—————The Goal—————

This round's goal: FUNNIEST

I don't have time to write another lesson, so I'm just going to reuse a goal. The team with the lower average rank will be up for elimination.

—————The Prizes—————

✓ Rank 1: +5 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 2: +4 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 3: +3 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 4: +2 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 5: +1 Basic Token.
• Ranks 6–24: Nothing.

✓ Team Rank 1: +2 Basic Tokens.
Team Rank 2: Up for elimination.

—————The Lesson—————

Since the goal here is the same as Round 1, go ahead and look back at that lesson. Consider this round as an opportunity to practice all you've learned since then.

Good luck, contestants! Ready, set, write!

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