Round 6 Write: Light Up My World Like Nobody Else

105 4 18

—————The Story—————

What's up, everyone? Welcome to Round 6! Today, we're doing yet another team challenge, so buckle up and get ready to have some fun!

Last round, I admit, was a little scary. (I should know; I had to read all of the stories.) So we're gonna take it down a notch and do a fairly useless and trivial challenge for the sake of relaxation. Ready?

—————The Challenge—————

Today, your challenge is simple. I've divided the stadium into three sections, one for each team. Your objective is to make your team's section of the stadium the brightest one. You can cover the place in lights, rig up fireworks everywhere, set your entire section on fire—I don't care. Just do whatever it takes to light up the stadium!

—————The Rules—————

• You must write a story detailing how you and your team make your section of the stadium as bright as possible—or at least brighter than the other three.

• You can write about practically anything in your story (pulling tools out of your non-existent pockets, flying, using magic, etc.), including your fellow contestants. However, the general landscape of reality must not be shattered, bent, changed, etc. by the end of it.

• Stories are due by the 27th of August, four weeks from now.

• If all stories are submitted early, then I may start the Whack phase early as well.

• Any violation of these rules will result in an automatic Rank 48.

If you have any questions about the challenge, don't be afraid to ask me. If I feel like it's of general interest to the rest of the contestants, I'll add it here.

—————The Goal—————

This round's goal: MOST CREATIVE

I don't want to read a boring story about your entire team just splattering lights all over the seats. Light up your stadium in a fun, creative way that'll blow away the competition! The team with the lowest average rank will be up for elimination.

—————The Prizes—————

✓ Rank 1: +5 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 2: +4 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 3: +3 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 4: +2 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 5: +1 Basic Token.
• Ranks 6–24: Nothing.

✓ Team Rank 1: +2 Basic Tokens.
✓ Team Rank 2: +1 Basic Token.
Team Rank 3: Up for elimination.

—————The Lesson—————

Unfortunately, being creative is something I just can't teach. I can't teach someone how to be creative and imaginative. That being said, however, I can recommend a few things.

First, READ. READ, READ, READ. You might not think reading helps your writing, but believe me when I say it does. There's a lot of benefits to reading—you learn some new and better words without even knowing it, for example. If you read actual books (and not a non-proofread fanfiction online), then you could learn how to structure sentences to flow more naturally and more effectively. You can also even pick up ideas from a good book and put your own spin on it!

Next, split the writing process into parts—most importantly, the rough draft, revised draft, and final draft. We'll start with the rough draft.

I mentioned last lesson that a good tip for describing scenarios is to just keep on typing it out without caring about errors. You can do this for the entire story as well to create your rough draft. The purpose of a rough draft is to get all your ideas down as quickly as you can so you don't forget anything and so your vision for the story stays clear. It's a lot more important than it sounds, trust me.

After the rough draft comes the revised draft. This is where you fix up your rough draft; you correct major errors, you refine some ideas, etc. A simple way to think about the revised draft is as if you had about twice the time the rough draft took to write the revised draft. This is also where you start putting some structure into your story and begin to really organize it into a flowing, readable story.

Finally, the final draft. This is the part where you polish everything up. Grammarly helps a lot with this (no, I will not stop plugging Grammarly into these lessons until every serious fanfic on this website looks like it's been churned through the heavenly program). Here, you refine and finalize your structure for the story and clean up all the details.

And one more tip: make sure you're comfortable and in a relatively good mood when you write. When trying to write a good story, you should be concerned about what you're actually writing, not about that one argument that happened earlier that day or why your chair is too low below the desk.

Good luck, contestants! Ready, set, write!

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