Round 20: Finale Part 3

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The votes are all in. Now, it's time for the day you've all been waiting for. It's been a wild ride so far, but all good things must come to an end. So let's go out with a bang.

Placeholder and Times New Roman, after beating out 22 other contestants over the course of a little more than a year, you two are the last two standing. You've played smart and written well. And now, you're both here. You've played a great game so far, but it's time to see which one of you will take it all. So, without further ado, let's get right to it.

First, it's time to see the Jury's verdict. Apparently, outer space somehow isn't really that good for objects' brains and they're still re-learning how to form coherent thoughts after about a year up there, so the contestants had to spend some time in rehab (read: I assume their accounts are pretty much dead after all this time).

But we did get 2 votes from contestants who hadn't really been affected by space that much, so let's see who they voted for. Remember, if there's a tie, the vote of the contestant who placed furthest back in the competition is nullified. Now, let's see them!


Growing up, I never really liked anyone that thought too highly of themselves

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Growing up, I never really liked anyone that thought too highly of themselves. While yes Times New Roman does embody that, he was a very fierce and capable competitor. I also admire his ability to keep that stupid accent despite me not knowing whether it is real or fake, and I can appreciate the average war criminal as much as the next guy. So after all that; after all those challenges, eliminations, and revealing of many dark secrets, I whole heartedly believe that Times New Roman deserves the win.

-Bleach Bottle

-Bleach Bottle

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im voting placeholder bc were cool



It's a split vote! You know what that means: one of these votes is going to be nullified! Drumroll, please...

With a final Jury vote of 1–0, Placeholder wins the first Finale Point, the Jury Point!

Good job! Now, the challenges. Placeholder, you've made alliances with otherworldly entities, felled great enemies and demigods, abused the hell out of your I-frames, and, worst of all, survived being a furry just to get here. I've judged your story, and in the end, you got a 39/50.

Next, Times New Roman. Your quest to rebuild the Roman Empire has brought you to this floating stadium in the sky, and you've lived with your legs chopped off, walked through glass brick doors, destroyed an erection, and, worst of all, survived being a furry. Now, it's time for your score. Times New Roman, your score is...


That means Times New Roman receives the second Finale Point, the Challenge Point! And since the Jury Point and the Challenge Point were split between the finalists, you know what that means!

It's time for the finalists to compete for WTFORC's tiebreaker Finale Point: the Silver Point!

Here's how the tiebreaker works. Just like the Challenge Point, I'll give the finalists a prompt, to which they must reply with an entry. The catch: the prompt will be written not by me, but by a member of the Jury!

Each Jury member will DM me one last challenge for the finalists to complete. I'll randomly pick from the ones I receive, format it like any other challenge in the camp, assign it to the finalists, and judge their responses. Whoever has the best story wins not only the Silver Point, but also the title of WTFORC Season 1 Winner! (And since the regular Jury doesn't seem to be alive for the most part, I'm also giving the resigned contestants a chance to DM me their ideas.)

So start thinking, Jury! You've got until the 16th of June, three days from now, to DM me your challenge idea. Good luck, everyone!

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