Round 1 Write: Hey, I Just Met You, And This Is Crazy

340 9 77

Happy belated April Fools' Day, y'all! Let's get to the challenge!

—————The Story—————

Welcome to your first real challenge, contestants! Takeout Coffee, Potted Plant, Cat, and Times New Roman won the warm-up and have picked their teams, which you all found out last round. In this part of the competition, you'll all be competing for team immunity—the team who ends up with the lowest average rank will be up for elimination.

I've teleported anyone else to here who isn't here already, and you've all set your bags in the lobby of the apartment, near the breakfast buffet. Whether you guys want roommates or not is up to you; you can talk with others during the Wait phase as a way to pass the time. Just as you'd be about to lounge on the lobby chairs to relax after getting up here, I've called all of you out into the center of the pitch for your next challenge.

After confirming that you're all here, I've let you all know that since you've all checked in, the stadium's recovery center should detect you now. If you die, you'll be recovered at the center of the pitch. In typical object show host fashion, the death of the contestant must be brought to my attention first; no one (except me, for obvious reasons) will be recovered automatically. And I've foreseen one of you trying to trap me in an infinite death loop at the center of the pitch, so I've set my recovery settings to recover me anywhere I choose in the stadium.

So, now that you guys are all here and in teams. I think it's time you all get to know each other. And you all must be hungry after that long journey. about a formal dinner? (This one's for you, Coffee.)

—————The Challenge—————

I've set up a big formal dinner where the breakfast buffet is. Your task is to settle down in your room (with or without a roommate, your choice), dress up nice, and come to the lobby for dinner. Then, once you're all here, you'll all get to sit down at a table and eat up!

After eating, there will be a group socialization period in which you must all stay in the area and be social for an hour. YES, I AM FORCING YOU TO BE SOCIAL. Am I inflaming your social anxiety yet?


Well, I gotta think of something else, huh? And I just so happen to have a karaoke machine and some spare microphones lying in storage...can you guess where this is going? If not, then here it is: each of you has to not only introduce yourself to everyone, but also sing a solo song that describes your object.

(Why, yes, I can indeed make these challenges as long as I want now that there's no word limit.)

You don't have to agree with anyone else on anything in your story. Everyone could write a completely different story, or some people could include one same scene in their story; it doesn't matter.

Oh, and this is probably a good time to say that, just for lore purposes, the first-placer's story (or when relevant, the highest-ranking relevant contestant's story) is the canon story of how things happen at the camp if stories happen to contradict each other, such as in a type of challenge that traditionally only has one winner. This shouldn't be much of an issue, but I just want to get this information out there.

—————The Rules—————

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