Round 11 Write: Live to Keep On Fighting

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—————The Story—————

Welcome, contestants, to the official halfway point! Since we're halfway through the camp, you know what I must do. It's ironic, actually, that I made you guys do an actual team challenge the last round. You know why, right?

Because I'm POOFING the teams! Welcome to the Final Merge, everyone; teams are no more! From now on, it's every object for themselves! And with this event also comes the inevitable: no more Basic Tokens! Whatever you've bought until now is all you've got!

But before I let you guys go at each other tooth and nail, you know what I must also do. With the Final Merge comes a potentially game-changing event—the Rejoin!

Yup, that's right! Remaining contestants, you get a little bit of a break; this challenge is instead dedicated to the eliminated contestants! And like a phoenix rising from the ashes, one of the eliminated contestants will come back into the game!

But what's this? A surprise, you say? I'm grinning evilly, you say? I have that mischievous gleam in my eye again, you say? I'm pathetically trying to hide an overhead banner that says "I'M ALSO LETTING SPECTATORS PARTICIPATE IN THIS CHALLENGE IN CASE THEY MISSED THE ORIGINAL SIGN-UP DATE" with my body even though I'm not tall enough, you say?'d be saying right. I'm also letting spectators participate in this challenge in case they missed the original sign-up date.

—————The Challenge—————

Eliminated contestants, your challenge is simple: first, find a way back to the Sky Stadium from space and get to the center of the pitch, where the remaining contestants and I will be waiting. Next, give a speech saying why you should come back. Good luck!

Spectators looking to join the camp, your challenge is pretty similar: first, find a way to the Sky Stadium from your home since your object has just watched this announcement live on their TV or whatever. Next, write an audition for the camp. This audition will be basically, if not exactly, like the ones the original 24 contestants wrote to get in, so go back to the Warm-Up to see how to do that.

—————The Rules—————

• You must write a story detailing either how you come back from space or how you arrive from home, as well as your rejoin speech/audition.

• You can write about practically anything in your story (pulling tools out of your non-existent pockets, flying, using magic, etc.), including your fellow contestants. However, the general landscape of reality must not be shattered, bent, changed, etc. by the end of it.

[+] Your stories and speeches/auditions will be public in the next chapter.

[+] Spectators: minimum word count is 50 words.

[+] Spectators: You cannot die on your way here. (After all, you're not in the recovery system yet anyway.)

[+] Remember, the Sky Stadium is 10,000 feet (about 3,048 meters) off the ground above a forest and has no runway.

• Stories are due by the 16th of December, three weeks from now.

• If all stories are submitted early, then I may start the Whack phase early as well.

• Any violation of these rules will result in an automatic disqualification from the Rejoin.

If you have any questions about the challenge, don't be afraid to ask me. If I feel like it's of general interest to the rest of the contestants, I'll add it here.

—————The Goal—————


I mean, after all, I'm not the one who chooses which one of you comes back or joins; the remaining contestants are. They're the ones who will end up voting for one of you to (re-)enter the camp, so...make them like you, maybe? Write a funny story? Write a quality story? I don't know what they want.

—————The Prizes—————

✓ Whoever ends up (re)joining: (Re-)Entry into the competition + 1 Immunity Token.

—————The Lesson—————

Unlike all the previous challenges, I'm not the one who decides the winner for this one, which means I can't help you. So, uh...yeah. (And I know I said this is for the eliminated contestants and spectators only, but any contestants who resigned are also free to participate if they wish.)

Good luck, contestants! Ready, set, write!

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